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Compiled by / Send updates to: Jody Kravitz
Compilation Copyright (C) 1999-2017 by Jody S. Kravitz
Last updated: January 01 2016 10:28:35.

Piano Music Rolls - Sales/Perforators
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Mail Auctions - Music Rolls

VendorDan's Piano Roll Auctions
OwnerDan Inglima
AddrP.O. Box 769 Hayesville, SC 28904 USA
Phone(828) 389-3744 (9am-9pm Eastern time)
Desc88-Note and some reproducing roll auctions, 2-4 times/year. They are announced on the MMD two weeks before publication.
International Shipping?YES
PaymentCheck, Money-Order

VendorMike Montgomery
Addr17601 Cornell, Southfield, MI 48075 USA
Phone(248) 559-8885
DescPeriodic auctions of quality-verified piano rolls. Write to be on the auction list.
QuoteP.S. The first and probably last auction for the year 2000 is deadline May 20, 2000.

VendorLarry's Music Roll Auction
OwnerLarry Norman
Addr340 Tracy Drive, Moneta VA 24121-3416 USA
Phone(540) 721-7188
DescMusic roll auctions and recuts of all types. Generally have three or four auctions per year. They are mailed or may be accessed at the website. There are always rolls available on the website. The types of rolls offered are; Reproducing rolls: Ampico, Duo Art, Welte, Art Echo, and others. 88 & 65 note rolls. Player Reed Organ and Pipe Organ rolls all types. Also, Nickelodeon and Orchestrion rolls, records, book, disc's and cylinders, and other related mechanical music items. Occasionally we do produce some recuts.
International Shipping?YES
PaymentCash, Checks, Money Orders, also accept foreign checks.

VendorPost-Bid Enterprise
Addr39 Sydner Road, London N16 7UF U.K.
Phone+44 020 7254 6145
Fax+44 020 7241 0130
DescAuction held 3 or 4 times a year. There are always many hundreds of rolls to choose from, and usually there is a large 65n roll section. The usual mail auction rules apply. In this auction, the winner pays 10% more than the next highest bid. There is a yearly subscription fee of 5 pounds sterling. Auctions regularly include large numbers of 65note; 88 note; Ampico & DuoArt Rolls plus many interesting miscellaneous items.
International Shipping?YES
PaymentCheque, Money-order

VendorPaul Morris' Music
Addr27 Blackall Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4HE U.K.
Phone+44 (0)1392 681810

VendorPostbid Plus [Mail Auction]
OwnerDavid Perry
AddrSaville House, Church Street, Guilden Morden, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 0JD U.K.
Phone+44 (0) 1763 852 326 ... answered (0900 - 2200 GMT)
DescRegular auctions of quality secondhand music rolls, books and related material, managed by the Player Piano Group of Great Britain on a non-profit basis. Organized by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Always over 500 Lots on offer. The UK's longest-established auction service for player enthusiasts. Catalogs FREE to PPG Members, as published. Non-members may subscribe for £2.00 per year (UK), £3.00 per year (Europe), £4.00 per year (USA and Rest of World)
International Shipping?YES
PaymentSterling cash or cheques only.

VendorBennet Leedy Rolls - The Piano Roll Center
Addr4660 Hagar Shore Road, Coloma MI 49038 USA
Phone(616) 468-5986
Fax(616) 468-3844
DescUsed piano roll auction (5-6x/year).
International Shipping?YES
PaymentCheck, Money-Order

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