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Spring Fundraising Drive In Progress. Please visit our home page to see this and other announcements:
https://www.mmdigest.com Thank you. --Jody
Vendor | Audio Consultants |
Owner | Mr. Ruby |
Addr | 110 E. Ogden Ave. Hinsdale IL 60521 USA |
Phone | (630) 789-1990 |
Fax | (630) 789-1995 |
Desc | Nimbus Earwitness CD, featuring 19 piano roll performances recorded on 2 CD set. Contact company for more information. |
Vendor | Carlisle Music Company - Chris Carlisle |
WebPage | http://www.bandorganmusic.com |
Desc | Antique music of the 1800's and early 1900's from Nickelodeons, Carnivals, Circuses, Carousels, Calliopes, Saloons, Beer Gardens, Music Boxes, Giant Fair Organs, Automated Banjos, Violins and Monkey Organs, and much more. |
Vendor | Diamond Cut Productions |
Addr | P.O. Box 305, Hibernia NJ. 07842-0305 USA |
Phone | (973) 316-9111 |
info@diamondcut.com | |
WebPage | http://www.diamondcut.com |
Desc | A source for audio CD recordings of Edison Lateral "Diamond Cut" phonograph disks. |
Vendor | Marion Roehl Recordings |
WebPage | http://www.mrrecordings.com |
Desc | Mechanical music recorded by Harvey Roehl |
Vendor | Ron Bopp's Carousel Music |
Addr | 55801 E 365, Jay, OK 74346 USA |
Phone | (918) 786-4988 |
Fax | (918) 786-8049 |
bopp@rectec.net | |
webpage | http://www.carouselorgan.net |
Desc | Has a selection of CD's and tapes relating to Carousel band-organ music. |
Vendor | Terry Hathaway (Hathaway & Associates web site) [effective 10/8/01] |
Owner | Terry Hathaway |
Addr | P.O. Box 3404, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-1404 USA |
Phone | (562) 944-0127 |
orchestrion@earthlink.net | |
WebPage | http://www.hathaworld.com |
Desc | Audio CD recordings of (1) various large orchestrions (Hupfeld, Philipps, Popper, Weber and Wurlitzer); (2) several coin-in-the-slot "nickelodeon" type pianos (Link, Seeburg and Ramey Banjo-Orchestra); and (3) a Bruder fair organ. |
Vendor | John Tuttle "Self-Playing Pianos"/Player Care |
Owner | John Tuttle |
Addr | 407 19th Ave., Brick NJ 08724-2605 USA |
Phone | (732) 840-8787 (8am-9pm Eastern Time) |
john@player-care.com | |
WebPage | http://www.player-care.com |
Desc | Cassettes and CD's. Catalog is available at no charge. |
Vendor | Klavier Music Productions |
Addr | P.O. Box 810157, Boca Raton, FL 33434-0157 USA |
Phone | (564) 241-6169 |
Phone | (800) 434-6340 Toll free order line |
efkalmus@aol.com | |
WebPage | http://www.klavier-records.com |
Desc | With an impressive catalog of quality recordings, automatic music enthusiasts will be interested in the "Carousel & Circus Music" section, with calliope and band organ CD's, as well as the "Organ" section, that offers several CD's of Tom Hazleton playing the beautiful San Sylmar 4-manual Wurlitzer. |
Vendor | Miner Manufacturing Company |
Owner | Dave Miner |
Addr | 2208 220th Street, Donnellson IA 52625 USA |
Phone | (319) 837-6486 |
Fax | (319) 837-6080 |
dminer@minermfgco.com | |
WebPage | http://www.minermfgco.com |
Desc | (Purchased Marion Roehl Recordings). Offering both CD and cassette. Catalog is available for $2.00. |
Vendor | Out-Back Mechanical Music |
Addr | 6 Front Street, Bainbridge, New York 13733 USA |
Phone | 607-967-8909 |
outback@mkl.com | |
WebPage | http://home.mkl.com/~outback |
Desc | Reed and Prinsen organ Recordings for sale. |
Vendor | Pianomania Music Publishing |
Owner | Richard Riley |
Addr | 8300-D Sierra College Blvd., Roseville, CA 95661 USA |
Phone | (916) 791-8079 |
RRiley1@aol.com | |
Desc | Catalog of CDs of Ragtime, Blues & Jazz made from Disklavier performances. |
Vendor | Nancy Fratti Music Boxes |
Owner | Nancy Fratti |
Addr | P.O. Box 400, Canastota, NY 13032-0400 USA |
Phone | 315-684-9977 |
WebPage | http://www.nancyfrattimusicboxes.com/ |
musicbox@frontiernet.net | |
Desc | Antique Musical Box Restoration Supplies, Books, Recordings. 3 Catalogs are available: Restoration Supply Catalog (approx. 90 pages; tools, recordings, books, paper goods),$6.00 ($8.00 Overseas) Audio and Book Catalog, color illustrated, $3.00 ($6.00 Overseas) Reproduction Tune Card Catalog (for cylinder boxes), $3.50 ($6.00 Overseas) |
Vendor | QRS Music |
Addr | 1026 Niagara Street, Buffalo NY 14213 USA |
Phone | 1-800-24ROLLS |
QRSSupport@qrsinc.com | |
WebPage | www.qrsmusic.com |
Since | 1900 |
Catalog? | YES |
International Shipping? | YES |
Payment | See Website |
Vendor | Shellwood Productions |
Addr | St. Leonards Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 ORN UK |
Phone/Fax | +44 (0)208 873 1280 |
shell.wood@ntlworld.com | |
WebPage | http://www.shellwood.co.uk |
Catalog | On Webpage |
International Shipping? | Yes |
Description | Mike Lorenzini is planning to issue quite a few CD's of piano roll artists, including J. Lawrence Cook. Shellwood is dedicated to recording light music, mostly from the 1920-40s. We record artistes who re-create this kind of music today. Shellwood seeks out rare performances by artistes and composers on 78 records from which, after digital cleaning, CDs are made for our Shellac series. We are recording a series of CDs from period piano rolls using a genuine American 88 note PIANOLA pushed-up to a top class grand piano. |
Vendor | Trad-Digital Audio Services |
Contact | Bill Mintz |
Addr | P.O. Box 4426, Panorama City CA 91412-4426 USA |
billtdas@aol.com | |
WebPage | http://www.trad-digital.com |
Desc | Offers quality digital audio services and classic jazz, vintage player piano, ragtime and jazz legend Rosy McHargue recordings, featuring music from the 1900's to the Roaring Twenties. |
CONTACT FORM: Click HERE to write to the editor, or to post a message about Mechanical Musical Instruments to the MMD Unless otherwise noted, all opinions are those of the individual authors and may not represent those of the editors. Compilation copyright 1995-2025 by Jody Kravitz. Please read our Republication Policy before copying information from or creating links to this web site. Click HERE to contact the webmaster regarding problems with the website. |