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Links to Resources for Mechanical Music
An organized list of resources related to Mechanical music, including firms who offer services and supplies for all types of mechanical musical instruments.

Compiled by / Send updates to: Jody Kravitz
Compilation Copyright (C) 1999-2017 by Jody S. Kravitz
Last updated: January 01 2016 10:28:35.

Piano Music Rolls - Sales/Perforators
Music Boxes, Disks, and Cylinders
No Longer In Business
Roll Mail Auctions
Organ Rolls / Strips / Cardboard
Restoration Supplies
Piano Discs
MIDI Supplies
Instrument Manufacturers
Museums / Libraries / Universities
Discussion Groups
Player and Reproducing Piano
Dealers and Restoration
Crank / Barrel-Organs
Appraisal and Shipping Services

Instrument Manufacturers

VendorAlan Pell Music
AddrWhaploade Drive, Spalding U.K.
Phone+44 (0) 1406 330279
DescOrgans, Reed instruments and music.

VendorThueringer Musikantenschmiede
AddrSchoellbornstrasse 5, 37327 Hausen (Eichsfeld), Germany
Phone+49 (0)3605 513246
DescManufacturer of self-playing mechanical Musical Instruments, self-playing Accordions and Concertina, Barrel Organs

VendorDean Organ Builders
DescStreet/Fairground organ Builders. Hand-build to-order.

VendorCastlewood Pipe Organs
DescOffers a kit of parts for the home constructor to build the John Smith busker organ.

VendorD.C. Ramey Piano Company, LLC
OwnerDavid Ramey, Jr.
Addr17768 Woodview Drive, Marysville OH 43040
DescMusic rolls, various types for coin-pianos and orchestrions. Top quality restoration services. Makers of Ramey Banjo-Orchestra.
CatalogSee website
International shipping?Yes
PaymentCash, check, and credit card through PayPal online services (no account needed).

VendorJohn Page, Organ Builder
Addr17 Ousebank Way, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1JY, UK.
Phone+44 (0) 1908 263717
DescChurch organs, Fairground/Street Organs, Harmoniums. Webpage is self-evident!

VendorJ. Verbeeck BVBA - Organ Manufacturer
AddrEikenlei 179, B-2960 St Job in 't Goor, Belgium
Phone+ 3232908715 / +3236630411
Fax+ 3232908716
DescAll kind of mechanical Organs Dance-Fairground-, Street and Concert Organs, from 36 kezy until 125 key. Delivery of all spareparts, organpipes, keyframes, Midi Systems, musicbooks and blank organ cardboard, organ fronts (custom designed), organ figures. Highest quality of restoration from all types of mechanical organs, such as Mortier, Gavioli, Ruth, Marenghi, Limonaire, etc. Our company can do rebuilding work at your premises.
International Shipping?Y
Paymentcheque or bankwire

VendorMiner Manfacturing Company
Addr2208 220th St
AddrDonnelson, Iowa 52625
DescSource for the new Tangley® Calliaphone®, a 43 note air calliope nearly identical to its predecessor built by the Tangley Co., Muscatine, Iowa, in the 1920's.

VendorNetherlands Boekorgel Centrum
DescNew Organs - Restorations - New Books - MIDI Systems

VendorSeventails Productions / Pooker Organ Division
EmailVicki Webb
DescPooker Band Organs

VendorSalazar Fine Tuning
Address1051 Samoa Blvd. Arcata, CA 95521 USA
DescrComplete keyboard percussion tuning and repair service. Re-tuning...Bar Replacement...Re-Finishing...and Custom Xylophone and marimba keyboards made from Select Honduras Rosewood.

VendorStinson Band Organ Company
Addr4791 State Road 91, Bellefontaine Ohio 43311 USA
DescrNo 'drop-in' visitors, please. Designers of Magnificent Band Organs since 1965 - MIDI Actuated - No Paper Rolls - No Operator MIDI (Music Instrument Digital Interface) actuates instruments - (Paper Roll Frame System Optional)

VendorT. H. Heesbeen Orgelbouw VOF
DescNew Organs - Repairs - Wood Carvings - Figures - New Books (non-English site)

VendorThe Great Canadian Nickelodeon Company
DescNew Dutch Street Organs built by Nederlands Boekorgel Centrum Anton Heesbeen and Cris van Laarhoven in Tilburg. the Netherlands

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