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Links to Resources for Mechanical Music
An organized list of resources related to Mechanical music, including firms who offer services and supplies for all types of mechanical musical instruments.

Compiled by / Send updates to: Jody Kravitz
Compilation Copyright (C) 1999-2017 by Jody S. Kravitz
Last updated: January 01 2016 10:28:35.

Piano Music Rolls - Sales/Perforators
Music Boxes, Disks, and Cylinders
No Longer In Business
Roll Mail Auctions
Organ Rolls / Strips / Cardboard
Restoration Supplies
Piano Discs
MIDI Supplies
Instrument Manufacturers
Museums / Libraries / Universities
Discussion Groups
Player and Reproducing Piano
Dealers and Restoration
Crank / Barrel-Organs
Appraisal and Shipping Services

Museums / Libraries / Universities

VendorOrgan Museum - Helmond, Netherlands (Dutch language)

VendorKeith Hardings World of Mechanical Music
AddressThe Oak House, High Street, Northleach, Glos, UK GL54 3ET
Phone+44 (0)1451 860181
DescWelcome to The World of Mechanical Music, a special place in the heart of England noted for traditional standards of British craftsmanship and hospitality. Here, in a period setting in the beautiful Cotswolds town of Northleach, is a unique collection of self-playing musical instruments presented as a live entertainment. Here is also what has been described as “the best gift shop in the Cotswolds”, and the world famous restoration workshops, which serve discerning collectors from all over the world.

VendorMorris Museum
Address6 Normandy heights Road, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 USA
Phone(973) 971 - 3700
DescCome experience: “Musical Machines & Living Dolls; The Murtogh D. Guinness Collection”; a permanent 4000 sq.ft. immersive exhibition displaying over 150 mechanical musical instruments & automata, including state of the art multi-media, inter-actives & live daily demonstrations at 2pm. That, plus another 550+ objects in our public-viewable storeroom on the lower level. Open: Tues., Weds., Fri. & Saturdays – 11-5pm. Thursdays – 11-8pm & Sundays – 12-5pm Call 973-971-3700 or visit our website – – for latest information about other exhibits, special events, programs, admission fees, directions & Bickford Theatre performances

VendorMusical Instrument Museum
Address4725 E. Mayo Boulevard, Phoenix, AZ 85050
Phone(480) 478 - 6000
DescMIM offers a shared experience of the history of musical instruments throughout the world.

VendorDeBence Antique Music World
Address1261 Liberty Street, Franklin PA.16323 USA
Phone(814) 432 - 8350 / (888) 547 - 2377

VendorSwiss National Museum fuer Musikautomaten Seewen
DirectorDr. Christoph E. Haenggi
AdressBollhübel 1, CH-4206 Seewen, Switzerland
Phone+ 41 61 915 98 80
Fax+ 41 61 915 98 90

VendorThe Music House Museum
DescA one-of-a-kind collection of rare antique musical instruments and music- making machines, from 1870 through 1930, displayed in turn-of-the-century settings.

VendorRevelstoke Nickelodeon Museum
DescCanada's only Mecanical Music Museum

VendorMuseo del Organito Argentino
EmailOsvaldo M. La Salvia
DescArgentine Barrel Organ Museum

VendorMUSICA MECANICA - list of Musical Museums around the word
DescMuseums, attractions and private collections open to visitors

VendorNethercutt Music Collection, The

VendorCircus World Museum
Desc50 acre complex devoted to the history of the circus. Collections include automated circus organs.

VendorThe Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum
OwnerElizabeth Brick, Director
CommentOwned by the Carousel Society of the Niagara Frontier
AddrPO Box 672, 180 Thompson St., North Tonawanda, NY 14120 USA
Phone(716) 693-1885 (Mon-Fri. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Eastern time)
DescLocated in the historic Allan Herschell Factory building, the Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum is cutting Wurlitzer 125 and 150 rolls using the last remaining perforator from the Wurlitzer Company and the original Wurlitzer and Tussing master rolls. We also have the capacity to cut 165 rolls. We produce exact replicas of the original Wurlitzer rolls, as well as rolls with new selections of songs. Production is sporadic, call for currently available list.
International Shipping?YES
PaymentCheck, Money Order, Master Card, Visa

VendorHowe Collection of Musical Instrument Literature
DescDocuments the history of the music industry, mainly in the United States

VendorIndiana University School of Music - Musical Organizations and Professional Societies

VendorInternational Piano Archives at Maryland
DescArchival collection of recorded piano performances

VendorKunkels Foundation Organ Museum
EmailJan Kees de Ruijter
DescHaarlem, Netherlands

VendorLockwood/Mathews Mansion
Addr295 West Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06850 U.S.A.
DescThe museum is home to a exhibit of some music boxes and some pneumatic musical instriments - BUT CALL AHEAD AS THIS CHANGES.

VendorNational Music Museum - University of South Dakota
DescExceptional collection of links to music organizations.

VendorThe Organette House Mechanical Music Museum
DescA collection of organettes and mechanical music.

VendorPianola Museum, The (Amsterdam)
DescThe Pianola Museum is located in the Jordaan, a 17th century quarter of Amsterdam. Circa 15000 music rolls and many pianolas on which to play them.

VendorNationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement
DESCThe National Museum 'from Musical Clock to Street Organ'

VendorSmithsonian Institution, The
DescA group of public museums in the United States Capital, Washington, D.C. Extensive collections of musical instruments, including mechanical musical instruments.

VendorSmithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education (SCMRE)
DescProvides information on caring for collections.

VendorUniversity of Washington - Music Libraries
DescLinks to music organizations

VendorPublic library of Molndal, Sweden - Music Links
DecrPublic library of the city of Molndal, Sweden. Music links including mechanical music, in Swedish.

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