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MMD > Archives > March 1998 > Contents of Digest 1998.03.29Prev  Next

01 Milhous Auction Results Beatrice Robertson
02 Beatrice Potter Music Boxes by Schmidt Joy DeSanctis
03 Stinson Organ at Strong Museum in Rochester NY Rick Inzero
04 Pathe Phonograph Matthew Caulfield
05 Mechanical Music Publications on CD ROM Beatrice Robertson
06 Mechanical Music Publications on CD ROM Jan Kijlstra
07 Mechanical Music Publications on CD ROM Angelo Rulli
08 Roesler-Hunholz Player Organ Rolls Ed Gaida
09 Paderewski's Memoirs Peter Coggins
10 Titanic Authenticity Gary Rasmussen
11 Great Piano FAQ and Internet Resource List Karl Ellison
12 Products of American Piano Co. Andy Taylor
13 More Pianos Than Babies Karl Ellison
14 Embarrassing Piano Stories - Rocking the Piano John A. Tuttle
15 Embarrassing Piano Stories - In the Asylum Bruce Clark
16 Embarrassing Piano Stories - A Stormy Night Philip Jamison
17 Embarrassing Piano Stories - Sawhorses Larry Lobel
18 Piano Tilter Jon Page
19 Pedal Electric Marque Ampico Jeffrey Borinsky
20 Seek Duo-Art Expression Box John Burton
21 Gulbranson Tracking Mechanism D. L. Bullock
22 Drive Wheel for Wurlitzer Roll Mechanism Fritz Gellerman
23 Freeze Urethane for Machining Jan Kijlstra
24 Liquid Nitrogen for Freezing Urethane Peter Neilson
25 New Music-Roll Boxes Larry Lobel
26 FS: New Music-Roll Boxes John McClelland
27 FS: Stroud Duo-Art Philip Jamison

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