It's almost time for the spring journal of the Musical Box Society
of Great Britain (MBSGB) to go to press. I'm currently compiling
the private classified ads and I have extended this _free_ service
to all readers of MMDigest. It's getting bigger each issue, and last
time we had some impressive instruments on offer, including a Welte
Some good items are to be offered privately in the next issue, with
some impressive cylinder boxes, including a grand format and a longue
marche, amongst others, from a collection put together in the early
So please send me your advert as soon as possible, include a picture
and we will print it (space permitting) in full colour. It helps sell
if you state your asking price and include full contact details. Ads
are also being accepted for the "Wanted" section. Remember this free
offer is open to non-members. Also accepting _Trade_ adverts, which
carry a modest cost.
On closing, if you are a non-member now is a great time to join. I'm
pleased to report we have seen a healthy increase in numbers for 2015,
and our journal is looking better than ever.
Thanks to all.
Mark Singleton - MBSGB