Greetings, I uploaded another little utility to my web site that might
be useful to some. The program allows for the remapping of MIDI notes
in files. It may be used for scale conversions and all sorts of other
tasks. Please let me know if you use the program and find it useful or
if there are any problems. As simple as the program is, it is quite
powerful. The program may be downloaded from the new Files4Download
page. This is linked on the home page as well as from the Downloadable
files page.
The text of the instruction file is copied here:
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This is a simple program that allows for the remapping of MIDI notes
in all files in a chosen folder.
Only note on and off events are remapped.
Run the program and follow the simple on screen instructions.
First specify the working folder or use the default of C:\miditemp
Next, enter a string to specify the notes to remap as in the following
example: 12,22 57,77 99,D
This would map MIDI note 12 to note 22, note 57 to 77 and delete note
All notes in the file will be remapped if the pairs are entered
There is no error checking so be careful to enter the pairs correctly.
Complex remapping strings may be entered in a text editor and saved for
future use. Use any text editor such as notepad. Copy the string to
be used, making sure that only the numbers are selected from the first
digit to the last. No extra white space etc. To use this string,
simply right mouse click in the program window at the string entry
prompt. The string will be copied to the program and will be accepted
with <CR> just as if you entered it manually.
You may store any number of remapping strings in a text file and copy
just what you need.
The program will modify all files with a .mid or .MID extension and
will save a copy with suffix mod added. The original files will not be
changed. If modified files are left in the working folder and the
program is run again, all files including the modified ones will be
processed. The number of mod suffixes added to the file name
represents the number of times it was processed.
Files may be renamed in batch mode with a file renaming program.
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Best regards,
Spencer Chase
Laytonville, CA