[ Re Wayne Finger in MMD 001105, 15.5" Polyphon Has No Dampers ]
I have a similar, but smaller, machine and I have sketched the dampers
in the attached image files. I also enclose a scan of the metal cover
which protects the damper assembly.
The cover is the same size as the top of the comb, except a bit short
of the tips to clear the starwheels. At the end opposite the tips of
the teeth, the cover has a 90 degree bend downward so that it can be
screwed (2 screws) to the vertical face of the comb base. It appears
to be plated with a notice of patent in several languages; sorry for
the shiny picture.
The damper assembly is also the same size as the top of the comb and
mounts with 2 screws into the top of the comb. It is shaped like
a comb with equal length teeth, made of thin copper (by the looks of
it) -- like a template of the longest bass tooth in the musical comb
repeated many times such that one finger is located directly above each
tooth in the comb.
As someone else stated yesterday [001108 MMD], the starwheel first
touches the damper finger and pushes it down until the soft pad
(leather or felt) touches the top of the tooth directly below it.
It is released just before the starwheel touches the comb and plucks
the corresponding tooth. There seems to be a pad on top of the damper
so that it doesn't click against the bottom of the cover when it
springs back up.
Hope this helps.
Craig Smith
P.S.: Thanks for the help with one of my Cakewalk problems -- but
still no input on making the notes show as they are played.
[ See Craig's illustrations at http://mmd.foxtail.com/Tech/