Your financial support of the Mechanical Music Digest is requested.
There is no specified or required amount. If you wish to pay online, links
will be found at the bottom of this and many other MMD pages.
If you wish to pay
by check, checks should be made out to "The Foxtail Group" and sent to
the address below. Funds received will first be applied to the cost of
equipment and communications fees, and the remaining split among the
editors in an equitable manner as compensation for our editing and
administrative time.
Please note that we have avoided the word "donation" in the text above.
Financial support of the MMD does not qualify as a charitable donation
under U.S. tax law. The Foxtail Group is treated by the IRS as a sole proprietorship
commercial business. Those of you in "the business" may be eligible for
calling your support a "promotional expense". Check with your tax advisor.