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Odeola in Klein Piano
Dating French Pianos by Serial Number
by Jean-Pierre Jouandet (MMD 010201)

Here is a list of serial numbers of French pianos, from the book, le piano, written by Jacques Pessard in 1958.

Jean-Pierre Jouandet
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 20:52:09 +0100

Numéros des pianos donnant les dates de sortie
Numbers of pianos giving dates of output
		1850	1860	1870	1880	1890	1900

Erard (1780)	22000	32000	43000	53000	65000	80000
Pleyel (1807)	17500	28500	47500	77500	100000	122500
Gaveau (1850)				10000	21000	35000
Bechstein(1855)				11000	22000	50500
Herz (1825)	12000	14700	19800	27450	30900	33980
Bord        	 4000	11000	18500	45000	75000	100000
Musssard    	 2000	 5000	 8100	10400	13600	20300
Elcke       	 2000	 4000	 7300	11400	15970	21600
Kriegelstein	 1300	 2400	 3800	 7000	11000	15000
Focke (1860)			 2500	 6000	10000	18000
Ruch        				 2000	 4000	 6200	
Klein       					 4000	14900	

		1910	1920	1930	1940	1950	1955	1959

Erard (1780)	 97500	108000	120000	126000	128000	130000	131000
Pleyel (1807)	149000	168850	187000	197300	201700	204500	206300
Gaveau (1850)	 52500	 66500	 88500	 94500	101000	106000	109500
Bechstein(1855)	 90000	114800	136000
Herz (1825)	 36000	 36880	 39500
Bord        	120000	125000	134000
Musssard    	 29600	 34500	 40000				
Elcke       	 27000	 29650	 36100				 40935
Kriegelstein	 20000	 23000	 25700
Focke (1860)	 24400	 25760	 28750	[1]		 30126	
Ruch        	  9100	 11000	 15850
Klein       	 28600	 35400	 40800				 50500
[1] repris par Schindler
     taken over by Schindler

Ces numéros se trouvent sur le sommier, ou sur un des côtés intérieurs (piano à queue).
(Plusieurs secondes marques n'existent plus.)

These numbers are on the pin block, or on one of the interior sides (grand piano).
(Several secondary brands no longer exist.)

Image of book page (GIF, 82 kb)

02 February 2001

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