Seeburg & Western Electric
Seeburg & Western Electric
Photos of spool frames, etc., from
various nickelodeons.
Text & photos by Don Teach & Robbie
Fig. 4-1. Seeburg pump and spool frame. The motor and its
wooden base with supporting springs is missing.
At the upper left is the large pulley driven by the motor. This
pulley turns the pump crankshaft, and also
drives a rubber-tire wheel at right angles which powers the spool frame.
The roll playing tempo is adjusted
by moving the rubber tire wheel closer or farther away from the center
of the large pulley wheel. The large
pneumatic, visible just below the horizontal drive shaft to the spool
frame, changes the spool transmission
from play to rewind mode.
Fig. 4-2. An early Western Electric transmission.
7 January 2003, 8 January 2003