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blokhed2a.jpg (10 KB)
Into each stylized ear I put a lapel electret microphone.
"Engineer Blockhead" at Johan Liljencrants' studio.

J. B. Roth's Piano Rolls as MIDI Files
courtesy J. B. Roth

Unknown Song on Piano Roll -- by Ira Kass (070816 MMDigest)
Cremona Roll M-725 Artists -- by Bob Billings (070728 MMDigest)
Unknown Rag Song on U. S. Music Roll -- by John Taber (070421 MMDigest)
(I Scream - You Scream - We All Scream For) Ice Cream -- by Dave Kerr (070227 MMDigest)
Wurlitzer 180 Tune Arranged for 165 Scale -- by Matthew Caulfield (070108 MMDigest)
Piano Rolls Played by Percy Wenrich -- by Frank Himpsl (060629 MMDigest) 
Unknown Tune on Musical Box Photo Album (MP3, 187 kb) -- by Kathleen Elliott (060321 MMDigest)
Small Organ Scales for the Noteur -- by Harald Mueller (050911 MMDigest)
Duo-Art Recording of "Scherzo Waltz" by McNair Ilgenfritz -- by Richard Stibbons (050726 MMDigest)
Religious Music Played on Carousel Organ -- by Andy LaTorre (061019 MMDigest)
Synthesized Fairground Organ With Real Percussion -- by Andy LaTorre (050710 MMDigest)

Unknown Fair Organs & Tunes on Old Recordings -- by Andrew Barrett (040813 MMDigest)
"Sunflower" by Leo Eysoldt (audio MP3, 370 kb, 18kbps, 11 kHz)  played by fair organ "The Golden One", courtesy Bob Moore (050706 MMDigest)

Peerless Elite Rolls Transcribed to MIDI Files -- by Jon Guy (040713 & 040818 MMDigest)
Unknown Song on Wilcox & White "Symphonia" Organette Roll -- by John Wolff (040719 MMDigest)
"Thunder and Blazes", by Julius Fucik -- MIDI file (9 kb, first part) arranged by Robbie Rhodes for player calliope
"The Highwayman Waltzes", by De Koven -- MIDI file contributed by Terry Smythe (040312 MMDigest)
"Triplets", by Geo. Hamilton Green, for pumper piano + xylophone, MIDI file (35 kb) -- arranged by Robbie Rhodes
Unknown tune on piano roll QRS100465.mid  (24 kb) played by Max Kortlander -- courtesy Bob Pinsker (040126 MMDigest)
Unknown Tune on Grand Roller Organ Cob -- by Richard Dutton (031026 MMDigest)
Music Rolls for Halloween -- courtesy Stephen Kent Goodman (031023 MMDigest)
"Lustspiel" Overtures by Kelar-Bela -- by William Griswold Jr., Melvyn Wright, Christofer Nöring, Johan Liljencrants
Unknown Overture heard on 38er Voigt Concert Organ -- by William Griswold Jr. (031002 MMDigest)
Mozart "Marcia a la turka" MIDI for 20er Organ -- contributed by Ingmar Krause (030908 MMDigest)
Ragtime Piano Roll MIDI Files -- courtesy Benjamin Intartaglia (030731 MMDigest)
"No More Liquor For Me" (MIDI file, 9 kb) -- played by Robbie Rhodes
A Self-playing Violin -- by Leonardo Forti (030615 MMDigest) 
Acoustic Bass Register for Street Organ -- by Roland Tremblay (030421 MMDigest)
J. B. Roth's Piano Rolls as MIDI Files -- courtesy J. B. Roth
Unknown Song on Fratihymnia Orchestrion Roll (MIDI file, 66 kb) -- by Willy van der Reijden (030422 MMDigest)
Inversus: Sankyo 20-Note Moebius Strip Plays Inverse Music -- by Roland Tremblay (030204 MMDigest)
Retrograde Music for Sankyo 20-Note Paper Strip Movement -- by Roland Tremblay (030228 MMDigest)

Yunsheng 15-Note Paper Strip Musical Movement -- by Hauke Marxsen (021125 MMDigest) 
How to Build a Custom Music Box "Foreverbox" -- By A. Thomas Tran (981007 MMDigest) 
20er Arrangement of "Over The Waves" by Melvyn Wright -- by Robbie Rhodes (021121 MMDigest) 
20er Music Scale & "Over The Waves", Part 2 -- by Harald Mueller (021116 MMDigest)
20er Arrangement of "Over The Waves" -- by Christofer Noering (021115 MMDigest) 
20er Music Scale & "Over The Waves" -- by Harald Mueller (021114 MMDigest) 
Musical Theme Search Using Incipits  "What's That Song I Just Played?" -- by Robbie Rhodes (An Absentminded Performer)
"Triola" Mechanical Zither -- by John Wolff (020513 MMDigest)
"Harmonious Blacksmith" played on the Empress Concert Grand disc music box -- courtesy Don Shenbarger (020323 MMDigest)
  h_blacksmith0.mp3 (1017 kb, 96 kbit/sec streaming, 44100 Hz sampling, stereo)
  h_blacksmith1.mp3 (  591 kb, 56 kbit/sec streaming, 22050 Hz sampling, stereo)
  h_blacksmith2.mp3 (  191 kb, 18 kbit/sec streaming, 11025 Hz sampling, stereo)
Unknown Artist on Melodee 4545 "Cry-Baby Blues" -- by Bob Pinsker (020304 MMDigest)
"Elite Syncopations"  (elete.mp3, 358 kb) -- courtesy Warren Trachtman and Don Shenbarger (020301 MMDigest)
Unknown Tune on Wurlitzer APP Roll (78 seconds) -- courtesy Hal Davis (020215 MMDigest)
  WAV file: app002c.wav (838 kb)  Encoded as PCM, 11.025 kHz, mono, 8 bits per sample
  WAV file compressed as zipfile: kb)
  MP3 file: app002c.mp3 (171 kb)   Encoded as MPEG 2.5 layer 3,  24 kbit (streaming) 11.025 kHz mono,
  plays okay using Audioactive Player 2.06c , Winamp v2.64 , Windows Media Player 7.01 , Real Player 8 , RioPort Audio Manager ,

Unknown waltz (MIDI file, 3 kb) possibly by Emmerich Kalman (011229 MMDigest)

"Lift Every Voice and Sing"  (J. Rosamond Johnson) -- MIDI file (3 kb) courtesy Joyce Brite
"Tangled Tunes", Entangled by Albert W. Ketelby -- by Frank Himpsl, Adam Ramet, Russell Wattem,
includes MIDI file courtesy Frank Himpsl
Menzenhauer Guitarophone 47-Key Mechanical Zither -- by Marty Roenigk (010211 MMD)
Chordephon 60-Note Player Zither Replicas -- by Gerard Arkenbout (970326 MMD) 
"Boll Weevil Blues" BollWeevil.mp3  played by Eubie Blake (MMD 010122) -- MP3 file (997 kb, plays 63 seconds) of sampled Steinway piano, courtesy Warren Trachtman.  Encoded as MPEG 1.0 layer 3, 128 kbit (streaming), 44.1 kHz Joint Stereo.

Regenerative Suction Regulator & Hupfeld Animatic Clavitist Rolls -- by Richard Stibbons (MMD 01.01.12-14)
Ampico Rolls Emulated for MIDI Velocity -- by Paul Manganaro (000826 MMD)
Unknown Ragtime Tune Played on Style 38 Ruth Organ -- by Hans van Oost 
"Bedelia" -- MIDI file by Jon Guy
"Reine Des Coeurs (Queen of Hearts)" by Waldteufel -- MIDI file by Andy LaTorre
Chevaliers de la table ronde (French drinking song) -- MIDI file & manuscript by Robbie Rhodes
6592wm.mid  Concert Arabesques On Motifs From the Waltz 'On the Beautiful Blue Danube', Op. 134, by Johann Strauss, concert paraphrase by Schulz-Evler, arranged and played by Ethel Leginska; Duo-Art roll 6592.  Transcription to MIDI file courtesy Spencer Chase.

MIDI files donated by Horst Mohr, transcribed from Ampico reproducing piano rolls using an optical reader.  Horst also wrote an Ampico emulator, and so the MIDI file contains MIDI velocity.  The velocity range of the Saint-Saëns Concerto is adjusted to recreate the hammer velocity of the Ampico reproducing piano, when the files are played using a Disklavier or equivalent piano.  If the files are played with a sound card or synthesizer, some adjustment of the MIDI velocity values may be desired.

Concerto, Op. 22, in G minor (Saint-Saëns) played by Victor Wittgenstein (1886-1961).
  GmollS1.mid  (43kb) Ampico 53717H (1st Movement - Andante Sostenuto)
  GmollS2.mid  (35kb) Ampico 53995H (2nd Movement - Allegro Scherzando)
  GmollS3.mid  (48kb) Ampico 54066H (3rd Movement - Presto)

rondo.mid (18k) Ampico 68701G  Rondo alla turka aus Sonate in A (Mozart)  played by Lewis
Richards;  Roll tempo 90; Aufnahme: 6.12.1995

Sankyo 20-Note Paper Strip Music Box Plays Self-Punched Paper Strips
Unknown A-roll Songs -- courtesy Mark Forer and Lee Roan.
Subsequently identified by Frank Himpsl as Clark No. 466, "Radio's Bright Flashes"
Bremond Music Box WAV Files -- courtesy Ern Grover  "The Farmer Took Another Load Away! Hay! Hay!" -- transcription of master perforator roll data courtesy Wayne Stahnke.  Read about the nickelodeon roll arrangement which is derived from this 88-note QRS roll, in 990314 MMDigest.

The Hamm's Beer Jingle, "From the Land of Sky Blue Waters", a small MIDI file played by Robbie Rhodes.  See Digest 99.01.07
A music box tune courtesy of Larry Smith. See Digest 98.09.25
A Orchestrelle Example courtesy of Manda Jost. See Digest 98.10.05.
In November of 1997 Matthew Caulfield asked for help identifying the tunes on 32 unlabelled Wurlitzer 165 rolls. I have finally converted a few of them to WAV files. Soon I will convert them to RealAudio format and put them here:
tune 1 (375 k)
tune 2 (171 k)
tune 3 (296 k)
tune 4 (284 k)
tune 5 (519 k)

I heard this unknown tune, a jolly one-step, at Orville Cooper's shop in Long Beach, CA, circa 1958, playing on his big Wurlitzer PianOrchestra. At that time no one had identified it. I just now recorded this simple MIDI file from memory (as a piano performance), and it's a preview of what I can prepare for Matthew Caulfield's task of identifying the unknown band organ songs.  The file name is "WPunk01.mid", (7k bytes), which indicates "Wurlitzer PianOrchestra unknown tune #1". Can anyone identify it? If so, send mail to:

Robbie Rhodes

 [ It's now identified as "Beatrice Fairfax, Tell Me What To Do" ! ]

Fair Organ Pipe Sounds -- by Hans van Oost (980108 MMD)
Short, live-recorded WAV files of German-style fair organ pipe sounds, for wave-table sound cards.

This is a tune from an old 3 Stooges show and is known to us as the "Stooges March". Does anyone know the real name of this tune, or any history of it ?  The WAV file was too big to be convenient to download. Click HERE to listen to the tune using "Real Audio".
A Band Organ style tune written by Stephen Kent Goodman and arranged for MIDI by George Bogatko. The file, is in zip'd MIDI file with some associated text.
MIDI  file containing an example of the conversion output of Mark Fontana's Pianocorder to MIDI program PC2MID. danube.mid (57k)

Blue Danube Arabesque
Johann Strauss (Schulz-Evler)
Pianist: Josef Lhevinne
Vol.1, No.5 (CL-103) Side A

Zip file containing Mark Fontana's MIDI player, GSPLAY Version 1.0 (82k)
Zip file containing S.K.Goodman's tune "Painting the Town Red, White, and Blue". (18k). For non-commercial use only.
16 March 2004

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