Hupfeld Claviola
Rönisch Claviola 88-Note
Player Piano
by Robbie Rhodes
photos by Colin Campbell
Mr. Colin Campbell, of Perth, Western Australia, writes, "I have recently
purchased a Rönisch Claviola player piano; however, I am having difficulty
establishing the origin of the player mechanism despite numerous web searches."
Mr. Campbell sent us photos of his newly restored piano, showing an
88-note Themodist/Solodant tracker bar and spools for transporting the
roll from top to bottom. The hand controls are on a small console
which unfolds from the case below the keys. The Rönisch piano
bears serial number 46054 stamped into the right inside case wall.
Could somebody please tell us the possible origin of the player mechanism,
and the date of this beautiful instrument?
Robbie Rhodes
The action stack apparently has 88 pneumatics, as the hoses visible
above appear to cover the full span of keys. At the left of the spool frame
is the roll tracking pneumatic. The marque "Claviola" is faintly
visible at the far left of the key cover, while on the far right is "Rönisch".
At the far left of this photo can be seen the 88-note tracker bar with
an additional wider Solodant / Themodist hole, and edge-tracking fingers
extending through the tracker bar. The pair of bellows near the top
probably shift the transmission from play to rewind.
The controls, from left to right, are labelled Ped, Treble, Bass, Solodant,
Tempo and Re=. The celluloid tempo control scale shows 73/-upper,
65/-lower, as though it was intended for a piano which plays 73-note and/or
65-note rolls. The control console folds into the piano case when
not in use.
12 May 2003