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MMD > Pictures > Welte > reisenauer

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Welte-Mignon Artists Bernhard Stavenhagen & Alfred Reisenauer
"Played after the personal recollection of Liszt"
courtesy Gerhard Dangel (031021 MMDigest)

324reisenauer.gif (8 kb)
10th Hungarian Rhapsody
After the personal recollection of 
Fr. Liszt
played by
Alfred Reisenauer
1033stavenhagen.gif (4 kb)
12th Hungarian Rhapsody
Played after the personal recollection 
of Liszt by
Bernhard Stavenhagen

Randolph Herr wrote in 031019 MMDigest:

Does anyone out there have a Welte roll of Bernhard Stavenhagen playing Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodie #12?  I am not necessarily looking to buy it; what I want is a photocopy of the leader where Stavenhagen writes in German words something like "This is how I heard Liszt play it".

We have the roll in our collection.  My database says:

  Ungarische Rhapsodie No. 12 cis-Moll
  gespielt nach persönlicher Erinnerung an Liszt von B.S.
  (12th Hungarian Rhapsody... as played by the composer).

The words "as played by the composer" were the official translation into English by the Welte catalogue makers.  A more accurate but perhaps a bit bumpy translation would be "Played according to my personal remembrance of Liszt by B.S.", or "Played by B.S. according to his personal recollection of Liszt."

There are other rolls mentioning Liszt:

  Nr. 324; Reisenauer, Alfred; Ungarische Rhapsodie No. 10 E-Dur
  nach persönlichen Erinnerungen an Franz Liszt
  (10th Hungarian Rhapsody... as played by the composer)
  (Also in our inventory)

  Nr. 325; Reisenauer, Alfred; Chopin-Lieder R 145, Transkriptionen
  für Klavier über 6 polnische Lieder (6 Chants polonais), No. 1
  Des Mädchens Wunsch.  Nach persönlichen Erinnerungen an Franz Liszt.
  (The Maiden's Wish... as played by the composer).
  (Not in the museums inventory)

Kind regards from the hometown of M. Welte & Söhne.

Gerhard Dangel
D-79098 Freiburg
21 Oct 2003 08:22:47 +0200

324reisenauer.jpg (19 kb)
1033stavenhagen.jpg (18 kb)

Das Recht der Vervielfältigung ist uns von
den Künstlern ausdrücklich übertragen.  Jede
anderweite Vervielfältigung ist untersagt und
wird nach den gesetzl. Bestimmungen verfolgt.
M. Welte & Söhne
Freiburg i. Br.
The right of duplication is expressly transferred to us by
the artists.  Any other duplication is forbidden and will
be prosecuted according to the lawful regulations.

23 October 2003

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