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Welte patents
List of Patents
compiled circa 1944 by Edwin Welte
courtesy Gerhard Dangel-Reese, Augustinermuseum, Freiburg

United States Patent Office

No. 287.599
Emil Welte of New York, N.Y.
Mechanical Musical Instrument.
Patented Oct. 30.1883.
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 287.599, dated Oct. 30, 1883.
Application filed January 2, 1883 (no model).
3.p dr., 1 1/2 p text.

Be it known that I, Emil Welte, of the city, county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful improvements in mechanical instruments, of which the following is a specification.....

By my improvement pneumatic valve action expensive and cumbersome cylinders and complicated lever mechanisms employed on orchestrion and similar instruments can be dispensed with and their construction and operation considerably simplified.....

I am aware that the general construction and arrangement of wind chest, stops or registers, and valve actions are old. ..... also ... pneumatic action for operating the valves of the speaking tubes is not new, broadly.

Claims the combination of different devices and a pneumatic valve action.

No. 578.127
Emil Welte of New York, N.Y.
Mechanical Musical Instrument.
Patented March 2, 1897. Specification forming part of letters patent no. 578.127, dated March 2, 1897
Application filed Febr. 12, 1896, serial no. 579.069 (no model)
4 p dr., 4 p. text.

Be it known that I, Emil Welte, a citizen of the Empire of Germany, residing in the city.... of New York..
Claims again a lot of improvements.

No. 662.705
Carl. M. Welte of New York, N.Y.
Pneumatic valve action.
Specification. forming part of letters patent No. 66.705, dated Nov. 27, 1900
Application. filed April 12, 1900, Serial- No. 12 558 (no model)
3 p. dr. 2 1/4 p text.
Be it know that I, a citizen of the United States, residing in the city of New York, borough of Manhattan...
This invention relates to pneumatic valve actions for mech. music instruments, such as.... and object of the same is to render the valves more quickly responsive and effective than heretofore, so that the pipes and auxiliaries will have a greater promptitude of speech, whereby more perfect orchestration can be effectuated.  Further ... as the valves -- can be removed from the wind chest for repair or renewal, this being done without disturbing any of the other valves or necessating that the playing of the instrument be interrupted.

No. 1.173.905
Edwin Welte of Freiburg, Germany, assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Variable Automatic Stop Control For Musical Instruments.
Patented Feb. 29, 1916, application filed January 19,1911. serial no. 603506
1 p dr., 3 p. text.

No. 1.197.573
Heinrich Bockisch of Poughkeepsie, New York, assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Automatic Musical Instrument.
Patented Sept. 5, 1916, application filed November 8, 1915.
6 p. dr., 16 p. text.

No. 1.197.574
Heinrich Bockisch, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Automatic Musical Instrument.
Patented Sept. 15, 1916, application. filed Nov. 8, 1915, serial no. 60.392
3 p dr, 12p text.

No. 1.197.575
Heinrich Bockisch, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Automatic Musical Instrument.
Patented Sept. 5, 1916, application. filed Nov. 8, 1915, serial no. 60.393
4 p dr, 14p text.

No. 1.211.799
Carl M. Welte, of New York, N.Y., assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Driving and controlling mechanism for music rolls.
Patented Jan 9, 1917, application. filed Dec. 9, 1913, serial no. 805.547.
6 p dr., 6 1/2 p text.

No. 1.225. 902
Edwin Welte of Freiburg, Germany.
Pressure controlling mechanism for automatic musical instruments.
Patented May 15, 1917, application. filed May 25, 1914, serial no. 840.911.
3 p dr., 5 p text.

No. 1.252.064
Carl M. Welte, of New York, N.Y., assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Controller mechanism for mechanical musical instruments.
Patented Jan. 1, 1918, application. filed Dec. 11, 1913, serial no. 805.916.
5 p. dr., 6 1/4 p. text.

No. 1.279.639
Heinrich Bockisch of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York..
Mechanism for synchronizing the operations of moving parts.
Patented Sept. 24, 1918, application. filed April 20, 1916, serial no. 92.388, renewed Dec. 20, 1917, serial no. 208.149.
3 p. dr., 19 1/4 p. text.

No. 1.279.640
Heinrich Bockisch of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Mechanism for synchronizing the operations of moving parts.
Patented Sept. 24, 1918, application. filed April 20, 1916, serial no. 92.389, renewed Dec. 20, 1917, serial no. 208.150.
2 p. dr., 11 1/4 p. text.

No. 1.284.003
Carl. M. Welte of New York, N.Y., Assignor to M. Welte & Sons Inc., of New York, a corporation of New York.
Means for controlling the playing of automatic musical instruments.
Patented Nov. 5. 1918, Application filed Dec. 10, 1913
1 drawing, 1 1/2 p. text.

No. 1.324.779
Mechanism for synchronizing the operation of moving parts.
Heinrich Bockisch of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Assignor to M. Welte & Sons, Inc., of New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Patented Dec. 16, 1919, Application filed Dec. 15, 1917
5 pages drawings, 15 p. text.

No. 1.325.066
Edwin Welte of Freiburg, Germany, Assignor, by mesne assignments, to Welte-Mignon Corporation of New York, N.Y. a corporation of New York.
Means for synchronizing the operations of sound-producing instruments and moving-picture apparatus or other moving parts.
 Patented Dec. 16, 1919, Application filed June 11, 1914, renewed April 17, 1918
2 p. dr., 21 p text.
No. 1.467.889
Edwin Welte of Freiburg, Germany, Assignor, by mesne assignments, to Welte-Mignon Corporation of New York, N.Y. a corporation of New York.
Pneumatically controlled regulator for musical instruments.
Patented Sept. 11. 1923, application. filed May 25. 1914, serial no. 840.912
2 p. dr., 7 p text.
(mentioning patent 1.008.291 issued Nov., 7th, 1911)

No. 1.678,872
Ralph K. Potter, of New York, N.Y., assignor to American Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation of New York.
Method and apparatus for producing musical sounds.
Patented July 31, 1928, application filed Jan. 2, 1926, serial no. 78.733
6 p dr., 7 1/2 p. text.
(handwritten remark on front page: "Like Edwin")
Instrument works with "light sensitive cell", varies the light directed to cell by shutters and slides, key-operated. Recording possible ?

No. 1.848.222
Ralph K. Potter, of Morris, New Jersey, assignor to American Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation of New York.
Producing musical sounds.
Patented March 8, 1932, application filed May 29, 1929, serial no. 366.866
6 p dr., 3 1/2 p. text.
Works with a plurality of units

No. 1.937.021
John Hays Hammond, Jr. Gloucester, Mass.
System for reproducing sound.
Patented Nov. 28, 1933, application. Oct. 29, 1929, serial no. 403.207.
5 claims (Cl 84 -1)
This invention relates to acoustic systems and more particularly to a system for imprinting a plurality of sonorous effects upon a recording element and the selectively reproducing said effects from said recording elements. ... photographically recorded, and the selectively reproduced....

No. 1.948.996
Pierre Marie Gabriel Toulon, Puteaux, France, assignor to Sté de Recherches et de Perfectionnements industriels, Puteaux, France, a company of France.
Musical instrument working through a keyboard and a photo-electrical cell.
Patented May 14, 1928, serial No. 277.667. In France May 19, 1927.
6 claims. (Cl. 84-1)
4 p dr., 4 1/2 p text.

No. 1.967.882
John Hays Hammond, Jr. Gloucester, Mass.
Photo-electric system for recording and reproducing sound.
Patented July 24, 1934, application. Aug. 1, 1929, serial no. 382.684.
3 claims (Cl 179-100.3)
2 p dr., 2 1/2 p text.

No. 1974.530
Vernie Roy Brown, St. Louis, Mo., assignor to Geo. Kilgen & Son, Inc. St. Louis Mo., a corporation of Missouri.
Electromagnetic pipe organ actions.
Patented May 9, 1932, serial no. 610.129
19 claims. (Cl. 84-339)
2 p dr., 6 1/2 p text.

No. 1.980.911
Edouard Eloi Coupleux and Joseph Armand Givelet, Lille, France.
Electric Organ and method of electrically producing tones.
Patented Nov. 13, 1934, application. Oct. 15, 1932, serial no. 638.032.
In France October 16, 1931.
17 claims (Cl. 84-1)
3 p dr., 4 1/2 p. text.

No. 1.980.912
Edouard Eloi Coupleux, Tourcoing, and Joseph Armand Givelet, Paris, France.
Electric Radio Organ.
Patented Nov. 13, 1934, application. Jan 21, 1933, serial no. 652.868.
In France January 28, 1932.
9 claims (Cl. 84-1)
2  dr., 2 1/2 p . text.

No. 1.986.959
Vernie Roy Brown and Albert G. Sabol, Lawrence, Kans.
Electromagnetic Pipe Organ Action.
Patented Jan. 8, 1935, 1.986.956, application. July 26, 1933, serial no. 682.232.
19 claims. (Cl. 84-339)
2 p dr., 4 p. text.

No. 2.043.828
Edouard Eloi Coupleux, Tourcoing, France.
Electric Organ.
Patented June 9, 1936, application Oct. 26, 1935, serial no. 46.951.
In France Oct. 27., 1934.
11 claims. (Cl. 84-1)
2 p. dr., 3 p text.

No. 2.093.223
Selichi Yamashita, Hamamatsu, Japan.
Electric Organ.
Patented Sept. 14, 1937. application. July 10, 1935, serial no. 30.693.
2 claims (Cl. 84-1)
2 p dr., 2 1/4 p. text.

No. 2.131.637
Charles S. Norburn, Asheville, N.C.
Pneumatic Organ.
Patented Sept. 27, 1938, application. June 29, 1936, serial no. 88.005.
19 claims. (Cl. 84-338).
3 p dr., 4 1/4 p text.

No. 2.151.021
Philip Hubert Frohman, Washington, D.C., assignor of one-half to Roland L. Taylor, Philadelphia, P.A.
Electric Organ.
Patented Mar. 21, 1939, application. Nov.20, 1936 serial no. 111.916.
43 claims. (Cl. 84-1).
3 p dr., 9 1/4 p text.

No. 2.159.505
Laurens Hammond, Chicago, Ill.
Electric organ.
Patented May 23, 1939, application. June 12, serial no. 147.935.
11 claims. ((Cl. 84-1).
9 p dr., 5 1/4 p text.

No. 2.166.202
Harry F. Waters, New York, N.Y., assignor of fifteen per cent to P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, Ind., a corporation if Delaware.
Patented July 18, 1939, application. Dec. 30, 1936, serial no. 118.321.
4 claims. (Cl.84-1)
2 p dr., 4 p text.

No. 2.168.623
Benjamin F. Miessner, Millburn Township, Essex County, N.J., assignor to Miessner Inventions, Inc., Millburn Township, Essex County, N.J., a corporation of New Jersey.
Apparatus for the production of music.
Patented Aug. 8. 1939, application. April 28, 1937, serial no. 139.493.
16 claims. (Cl.84-1.13)
2 p dr., 6 p text.

No. 2.169.842
Walter F. Kannenberg, Rutherford, N.J., assignor to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Electronic Organ.
Patented Aug. 15, 1939, application. April 24, 1936, serial no. 76.169.
9 claims. (Cl.84-1.18)
10 p. dr., 6 1/2 p text.

John H. Wick, Highland, Ill., assignor to Wicks Organ Company, Highland, Ill., a corporation of Illinois.
Patented Feb. 27, 1940, application. March 4, 1939, serial no. 259.726.
9 claims. (Cl. 84-331).
2 p dr., 3 p. text.

No. 2.201.388
Westley F. Curtis, Beaver Heights, Md.
Electric Organ.
Patented May 21, 1940, original application. July 30, 1937, serial no. 156.574. Divided and this application May 7, 1938, serial no. 206.680.
7 claims. (Cl.171-329).
5 p dr. 4 p. text.

No. 2.232.471
Harry E. Powell, Logansport, Ind.
Light projector.
Patented Feb. 18, 1941, original application. jan. 21, 1939, serial no. 252.228. Divided and this application Aug. 24, 1939, serial no. 291.746.
1 claim. (Cl. 240 -48.4)
1 p dr, 1 1/4 p text.

No. 2.242.417
Tolbert F. Cheek, Bronx, N.Y., assignor to Welte Mignon Piano Corporation, Brooklyn, N.Y. a corporation of New York.
Player piano.
Patented May 20, 1941, application. May 13, 1938, serial no. 207.842.
2 p dr., 2 p text.

No. 2.242.418
Tolbert F. Cheek, Bronx, N.Y., assignor to Welte Mignon Piano Corporation, Brooklyn, N.Y. a corporation of New York.
Player piano.
Patented May 20, 1941, application. May 13, 1938, serial no. 207.843.
2 p dr., 2 p text.

No. 2.257.881
Joseph F. Jaros, Riverside, Ill.
Light Projector.
Patented Oct. 7, 1941, application. Jun 3, 1937, serial no. 146.181.
4 claims. (Cl. 240-1).
4 p dr., 6 p text.

No. 2.269.942
Sylvan K. Ketterman, Chicago, Ill., assignor to Gulbransen Company, Ill. a corporation of Illinois.
Electric organ.
Patented Jan. 13, 1942, application. Febr. 17, 1941, serial no. 379.197.
5 p dr., 5 1/4 p text.

No. 2.274.199
Laurens Hammond, Chicago, Ill.
Electrical Musical Instrument.
Patented Feb. 24, 1942, application. April 7, 1941, serial no., 387.113.
5 claims. (Cl.84-1.01).
4 op dr. , 7 p text.

No. 2.287.105
Walter F. Kannenberg, Rutherford, N.J., assignor to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, New York, N.Y., a corporation of New York.
Electronic Organ.
Patented June 23, 1942, application. Dec. 7, 1939, no. 308.037.
13 claims. (Cl.84-1.17)
6 p. dr. 6 1/2 p. text.

No. 2.318.138
Richard W. Benfer, Los Angeles, Calif., assignor to Western Electric Company, Incorporated, a corporation of New York.
Sound recorder monitoring means.
Patented May 4, 1943, application. Oct. 19, 1940, serial no. 361.880.
4 claims. (Cl.179-100.3).
1 p dr., 2 p text.

No. 2.318.144
Francis J. Darke, jr., Moorestown, N.J., assignor to Radio Corporation of America.
Patented May 4, 1943, application. March 29, 1941, serial no. 385.832.
8 claims, (Cl. 84-1.18).
1 p dr., 2 text.

No. Re. 22.318
Benedikt Welte, Lake Orion Township, Oakland County, Mich., assignor to Colonial Broach Company, Detroit, Mich., a corporation of Delaware.
Hydraulic Broaching Machine.
Reissued May 18, 1943, original No. 2.256.332, dated Sept. 16, 1941, serial no. 203654. Application for reissue June 2, 1942, Serial No. 445.499
27 claims.
(originally filed April 22, 1938)
5 p. dr., 13 p. text
Most probably this has nothing to do with musical instruments or similar devices

No. 2.327.720
James A. Koehl, Chicago, Ill., assignor to Central Commercial Company, Chicago, Ill., a corporation of Illinois.
Musical instrument.
Patented Aug. 24, 1943, application. Dec. 12, 1941, serial no. 422.732.
21 claims. (Cl 84-1.01)
1 p dr. 5 p text.

No. 2.332.076
Laurens Hammond, Chicago, and John M. Hanertz, Wilmette, Ill.; said Hanert assignor to Hammond Instrument Company, Chicago, Ill., a corporation of Delaware.
Electrical musical instrument.
Patented Oct. 19, 1943, application. April 7, 1941, serial no. 387.114.
3 claims. (Cl.84-1.01).
1 p dr., 2 1/2 p text.

No. 2.342.417
Irving F. Mandell, New Brunswick, N.J., assignor to Lydia B. Koch, New York, N.Y.
Projector for cinematographic targets.
Patented Feb. 22, 1944, application. April 22, 1941, serial no. 389.789.
12 claims. (Cl 273-105.1)
2 p dr., 6 p text.

09 February 2000

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