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Octet Design PD1  
©1998 Octet Design Corporation
PD1 Manual


PD1 driver board.
6 ft data cable.
8 DB-25 female solder.
Software disk.
This manual.


AD-9 power supply
Optical switch assembly
Stepper motor


The PD1 is a driver board for perforating machines.
It interfaces to the PC's printer port, it is compatible with Wayne Stahnke's Punch software.


Plug in the data cable from the computer's printer port to the PD1.

JP2 ON = connects solenoid power to logic power (25 volts max) 
OFF = default, logic power is separate
JP3 ON = connects stepper motor power to logic power (25 volts max) 
OFF = default, logic power is separate
JP4 ON = connects the motor outputs (122-125) catch diodes to the motor power 
OFF = if outputs are unused or if motor connected
JP5 TIMEOUT = output 126 is timeout output (may be permanently soldered) 
NORMAL = output 126 is normal
JP6 Base address selector: from left = addr 0, addr 128, addr 256, addr 384
JP 10  Polarity of TRIG1: left = negative, right = positive, no jumper = inactive
JP 11  Polarity of TRIG2: left = negative, right == positive, no jumper = inactive
JP 12  MAIN = main duty cycle control to outputs 120-127 
MOT = stepper motor duty cycle control to outputs 120-127
JP 13 DOWN, do not change

MAIN adjusts solenoid's duty cycle. Set to 25% at factory.
ST. MOT. adjusts stepper motor's duty cycle. Set to 25% at factory.
OSC adjusts oscillator frequency. Set to 25 KHz at factory.
TIMEOUT  adjusts timeout to pin 126

Minimum Maximum
Logic voltage 9 volts 25 volts
Solenoid voltage 50 volts
Stepper motor voltage 25 volts
Output current - continuous 2 amps
Output current - 50% duty cycle 4 amps
Output current - 25% duty cycle 8 amps
Power relay current 5 amps
Power relay voltage 240 volts AC


TRIG1 and TRIG2:
1    Ground
2    Emitter supply (180 ohms to 5 volts)
3    Ground
4    Sensor output (4.7 kohms to 5 volts)

Stepper Motor connector J3:
1    Phase D
2   Step motor positive
3    Phase B
4    Step motor positive
5    Phase C
6    Step motor positive
7    Phase A
8    Step motor positive

Stepper Motor power connector J6:
1    Step motor positive
2    negative
3    negative
4    Step motor positive

Output connectors: DB-25 connectors for outputs.
Pin Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output
1 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
2 positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive
3 negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative
4 4 20 36 52 68 84 100 116
5 positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive
6 negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative
7 8 24 40 56 72 88 104 120
8 positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive
9 negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative
10 12 28 44 60 76 92 108 124-mot.
11 positive positive positive positive positive positive positive positive
12 negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative
14 1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113
15 2 18 34 50 66 82 . 98 114
16 3 19 35 51 67 83 99 115
17 5 21 37 53 69 85 101 117
18 6 22 38 54 70 86 102 118
19 7 23 39 55 71 87 103 119
20 9 25 41 57 73 89 105 121
21 10 26 42 58 74 90 106 122-mot.
22 11 27 43 59 75 91 107 123-mot.
23 13 29 45 61 77 93 109 125-mot.
24 14 30 46 62 78 94 110 126
25 15 31 47 63 79 95 111 127
Note: outputs 122-125 are also available on the stepper motor connector

Printer connector: DB-25

1     STROBE - active low to enable data output
2     ADDRESS 0 - address of output
3     ADDRESS 1 - address of output
4     ADDRESS 2 - address of output
5     ADDRESS 3 - address of output
6     ADDRESS 4 - address of output
7     ADDRESS 5 - address of output
8     ADDRESS 6 - address of output
9     ADDRESS 7 - address of output
10     TRIG2 - trigger input
11     Ground
12     TRJGI - trigger input
13     No connection
14     DATA - data bit to output
15     DIAG - data in
16     DUTY - duty cycle control: 1 = 100%, 0 = 25%
17     ADDRESS 8 - address of output
18-25     Ground



To output a bit of data to a certain output, place the address of this output on the 8 ADDRESS
lines and the data on the DATA line. Then strobe the STROBE line.
Aii signals at the connector are active low. Some signals, however are inverted at the printer chip
in the PC, so the resulting polarity of the control bits:
Address 0 to 7: inverted
Address 8: straight
Data: straight
Strobe: inverted, write a 1 then a 0.
Note: The outputs are active low, so a data 1 means a low output. All outputs are reset at power
up. There are 9 address bits because the address range of the board is selectable.


To read the status of an output, read DIAG during the strobe period. It is valid only during the
strobe active period, for the selected address.


There are two duty cycle oscillators. The main one affects all outputs or all except motor outputs
(120-127), depending on jumper JP12. The motor duty cycle affects outputs 120-127 or none
depending on jumper JP12.

The main duty cycle is controlled by the line DUTY, 1 = 100%, 0 = 25%.
The motor duty cycle is controlled by output 126, 2 = 100%, 0 = 25%.
Note: The purpose of controlled duty cycle in this case is to pull the solenoids at full power and
then immediately cut down the power by reducing the duty cycle.


The power relay is controlled by output 127. Its use is optional.


If enabled by jumper JP5, output 126 is meant to control a relay, which turns on when strobe is
active, and turns off a few seconds after strobe activity stops. The delay is adjustable. The relay
can be used to control power to the solenoids, to avoid damage in case the PC crashes.

19 December 2000

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