Unknown "A" Roll at Musical Museum
Unknown "A" Roll at Musical
Museum in Deansboro
by Bill Meyer (140206 MMDigest)
Perhaps someone could help me with identifying an "A" roll that I heard
many years ago at the Musical Museum in Deansboro, New York. I have
attached MP3 audio files of the five songs I recorded on cassette tape
circa 1988 at the museum.
The roll was played on a Western Electric Mascot cabinet nickelodeon,
and I really enjoy the music, but I have no idea what the roll is.
I'm interested in obtaining an original or recut of this roll should one
be available.
Any help in identifying the tunes or the roll would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Bill Meyer
Syracuse, New York
5 Feb 2014 11:30:55 -0500 (EST)
bmeyer1.mp3 2,062 kb
bmeyer2.mp3 1,522 kb
bmeyer3.mp3 1,809 kb
bmeyer4.mp3 1,572 kb
bmeyer5.mp3 1,490 kb