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Lauter Tubing Diagram, Tracker Device & Spindle Lock
by John A. Tuttle (010810 MMD)

I have a number of Lauter-related information and diagrams at the Player-Care web site, see:  Front view, tracker device  Back view, tracker device  General tubing diagram  Accessing the piano action

lauter_spindle.jpg (8 kb)As for the lever inside of the spool box that's on the right side, above the slotted spindle, the lever in my Lauter was designed to lock the spindle in place.  As to why Lauter decided to incorporate such a function, the only thing I can figure is that it prevents the unit from being used if the person attempting to use it (a) wasn't aware of the levers existence or (b) was too small/short to reach the lever.

Now I'm not saying Lauter purposely installed a device that made it difficult for youngsters or inexperienced users from using the player, but I've never been able to come up with any logical reason for a "spindle lock".


John A. Tuttle
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 07:45:01 -0400

10 August 2001

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