Clark Orchestra Roll Company,
DeKalb, Illinois
by Mark
Forer (010218 MMD)
Before this thread gets too cold, I thought I'd post some examples of
Clark Xylophone A-rolls, right from the horse's mouth: an authentic Clark
Orchestra Roll catalog from June of 1928 that I own. In it you will
see many titles of Clark Xylophone A-roll arrangements, designed to really
pep-up a single-stroke xylophone A-roll machine, coax a reiterating xylophone
piano into another dimension, or give a pipe-equipped A-roll piano an otherworldly
(and uniquely pleasant) "fluttery" sound! I have many of these types
of xylophone-arranged A-rolls and have played them on both types of pianos,
and I can vouch for their truly unique brand of sound quality!
Mark Forer
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 15:17:50 -0800
clark28catP14.jpg (188 kb)
clark28catP15.jpg (226 kb)
clark28catP16.jpg (231 kb)
clark28catP17.jpg (212 kb)
19 February 2001