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Carl Frei compositions
List of
Compositions by Carl Frei
contributed by Hans van Oost (140611 MMDigest)

I have attached a MS-Word file of Carl Frei compositions with some remarks.  Maybe this will help.


Hans van Oost, Netherlands
11 Jun 2014 19:10:27 +0200

 [ Carl Frei compositions with some remarks

Compositions of Carl Frei

A. Marches.

Nr / Title / Comments
 1. Afrika march / Unknown on any instrument
 2. Albert Schweizer march / After 1945, also known as Schwarzenberg
 3. Amsterdam boys
 4. Amsterdam march
 5. Auf Wache (on watch)
 6. Auf zur Messe / After 1945, Unknown on any instrument
 7. Balançoires / After 1945
 8. Black, Red and Gold march
 9. Bredase jongens
10. Burgerwacht (Civils watch)
11. Carillon march / Or Ocarina polka [1]
12. Charles Frei March / Before 1927. [2]
13. Cinema Royal march
14. Circus artists march / Also known as Hoefnagels march
15. Corso march
16. Cushing march / After 1945
17. Der lustige Hirtenbub / Áfter 1945 (the happy shepherds boy)
18. Der Pfadfinder (the scout march) / After 1945. [3]
19. Die Alte Garde / Jahrmarktfreude after WW2
20. Die Heimfahrt, march / 1948
21. Dorfmusikanten / After 1945.
22. Eisenbahn (Railway) march / After 1945
23. Emil Jennings march
24. Es lebe der Sport / After 1945
25. Ferienfreude (Holiday Happiness) / After 1945
26. Fidele Harmonikaspieler
27. Fleiss macht Kraft
28. Flyer march (Vliegeniersmars)
29. Freiheitsmarsch (Liberty march)
30. Friedenflagge (Piece flag) march / After 1945
31. Friedensglocken march / After 1945
32. Friedrichsmarsch
33. Frohsinn march / After 1945
34. Gala march
35. Gouda march / After 1945
36. Groet aan Breda
37. Groet uit Den Haag
38. Groeten van Holland
39. Grüsse an Waldkirch
40. Grüsse aus der Ferne
41. Haagse hopjes march
42. Hans Albers march
43. Henny Porten march / After 1945
44. Hollandia march
45. Holland-India March
46. Hollandse jongens / (Dutch boys) march
47. Hommerson march
48. Hulde aan H.M. de Koningin, march / Cheers to Her Majesty the Queen
49. Im Karussell march / After 1945
50. Im Kinematogtaph march
51. In Freundschaft (in friendship) march / After 1945
52. Ins Goal march
53. Jack Dempsey march
54. Jacky Coogan march
55. Jubiläum march / After 1945
56. Korfball march
57. Kronprinz march / Named after the son of Kaiser Wilhelm II
58. Kunkels march
59. Leve het Pierement, march / Long live the street organ!
60. Locarno march / Not to be confused with #12
61. Louis Holvoet march
62. Ludovico Gavioli march
63. Lunapark march / After 1945
64. Lustige Kameraden march / After 1945
65. Marathon march
66. Max Schmeling march
67. Mia May march
68. Möhlmann-Warnies march
69. Molto vivace march / Before 1925
70. Mooi Amsterdam, march
71. November 9th march
72. Oceaanvliegers march / No recording known.
73. Onbekende soldaat march / Unknown Soldier march
74. Op ter Olympiade march / 1928
75. Oranje march
76. Otto Barth march / After 1945
77. Over the Ocean march
78. Parijse straatjongens march / Paris street kids
79. Pola Negri march
80. Prins Bernhard march / 1936
81. Raupenbahn march / After 1945.
82. Rotterdam march
83. Russian march (Podcoromolje)
84. Schwarzwälder Bub'n march / After 1945
85. Scooter march / After 1945. No recording known.
86. Sea heroes march
87. Skyscraper march
88. Spanien march
89. Spanish Horsemen march
90. Stresemann march / Negentiger mars in 1948 (WO2!)
91. Tank Parade march
92. The Comet, march / After 1945
93. Treu und fest march / Not to be confused with In Treue fest!
94. Turner march
95. Varieté march / After 1945. No recording known.[4]
96. Vivat Academica, march /
97. Voetbalmars (Soccer march) / One by Frei, one by Groeschel known.
98. Völkerbund march / Not to be confused with that by Weisser!
99. Voorwaarts, march
100. Waffenehre march
101. Waldeslust March / After 1945. Different from that by Ostermann

B. Waltzes

Nr / Title / Comments
102. Accordion Waltz
103. Armeda Waltz
104. Asta Nielsen Waltz / Concert waltz
105. Asta Waltz (?)
106. Aubade Waltz
107. Celestina Waltz (?)
108. Chicot Waltz
109. Circus Waltz / After 1945
110. Coelibin Waltz (?) /
111. Cylinder Waltz
112. Eccentric, Waltz
113. Eiskünstlerin, Waltz / After 1945. No records known.
114. Espagnole, Waltz(?)
115. Fedora Waltz
116. Forbidden Waltz
117. Greetings to Ferrace, Waltz / After 1945.
118. Harmonica Waltz
119. Hawaiian Waltz (?)
120. La Belle, Waltz
121. La Bohémienne, Waltz (?)
122. La Gaité, Waltz / After 1945.
123. Les Larmes de Pierrot, Waltz (?)
124. My favorite Waltz
125. Organ crankster Waltz
126. Pianini Waltz (?)
127. Roma Waltz
128. Schwarzwald Waltz
129. Shimmy Palace, Waltz / Concert Waltz
130. Sounds from the South, Waltz / After 1945. No records known.
131. Spanish Girl, Waltz / Concert Waltz
132. Stars and Flowers Waltz
133. Two Musicians Waltz / After 1945. No records known.
134. Waltz suite
135. Yo-yo Waltz

C. Serenades

Nr / Title / Comments
136. At the Brook Serenade
137. Birthday Serenade (Geburtstagständchen)
138. Edelweiss Serenade
139. English Serenade
140. Flemish Serenade 1 (Belgian army song)
141. Flemish Serenade 2
142. Flemish Serenade 3 (the Village)
143. Flemish Serenade 4
144. Flemish Serenade 5
145. Flierefluiter Serenade
146. Flower Serenade / Jun 12 1932
147. German Serenade
148. Hetty Serenade / After 1945
149. Hyacinths and Daffodils
150. Italian Serenade / Nov 2 1933
151. July Serenade
152. Liebestraum Serenade
153. Mandolin Serenade
154. Maximilian Serenade
155. May Serenade
156. Mutterlied (Mother song) / After 1945
157. Night Flute Serenade
158. Organ Grinders Dreams
159. Polish Serenade
160. Schwarzwald Serenade
161. Serenade 01 / Before 1932
162. Serenade 02 (René) / Before 1926
163. Serenade 03 (Success Waltz)
164. Serenade 04 (Argentina Waltz) / Before 1928. Also known as Blind Women [5]
165. Serenade 06
166. Serenade 07 (Odeon Waltz) / March 3 1929
167. Serenade 08
168. Serenade 10 / July 31 1929
169. Serenade 12 (Sehnsucht)
170. Serenade 13
171. Serenade 14
172. Serenade 16
173. Serenade 17 / May 16 1932. No recordings known.
174. Serenade 21 / After 1945. No recordings known.
175. Serenade for Marion / After 1945
176. Stars and Flowers Serenade
177. The Gay Musician
178. The Golden Heart Serenade
179. White Roses Serenade / Jul 15 1934

D. Miscelaneous

Nr / Title / Comments
180. Amsterdam-New York, Galopp / After 1945
181. Barcelona-Madrid, Mazurka
182. Elztaler Mädel, Scottisch / After 1945
183. Evening Song / After 1945
184. Gavioli Galopp
185. Harmonica soloist, Mazurka
186. Höhenluft, Ländler / After 1945
187. Little birds singing, Ländler / After 1945
188. Mais oui (but yes), Mazurka / Never heard playing
189. Mein Sohn / After 1945
190. Munich-Frankfurt, Galopp
191. Ohne Dich, Tango / After 1945
192. Olympia Bob, Galopp / After 1945
193. Pistonpolka, Scottisch / Also known as Salut
194. Skiläufer, Galopp /
195. Trompetenliebchen, Mazurka / 2 different versions
196. Trompetenstückchen (trumpet piece)


[1] On some organs this march is composed of Ocarina polka, Polka Française and the Carillon march, on others only the last part. The middle part may not be a Frei melody. The Ocarina polka is known as Polka 71 after WW2, on 89 key Gavioli organs.

[2] Also called (faulty) Locarno march on Gavioli organs. There is an original Locarno march [by Hans Heusser]!

[3] Made for 89 key Gavioli. This march starts as nr #10, the trio is from nr #59 and the end is new.

[4] Maybe post-war version of Bredase Jongens.

[5] After 1945 this serenade was played by German Frei organs. Only the first half was used; the other half is the second half of Serenade 7.

12 June 2014

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