Hello fellow Mechanical music friends,
In December our website went dark due to my own mistaken impression that
all costs were being paid with regards to hosting, domain, etc.
We were paying for the domain but somehow did not realize the hosting
company was not being paid.
The website was built in 2009 by an owner of one of the first Virtualroll
systems built. It served us very well for many years.
In any case, it needed updating, so a web designer was hired and a
functional site was put together very quickly. More content will be added
as the future unfolds.
2024 and early 2025 are proving to be our strongest sales period since I
took over building the systems in 2013.
Please visit https://www.Virtualroll.com to learn more about our system,
which is designed to be installed in nearly any mechanical musical
instrument that operates with paper rolls. The system allows for playing
thousands of scanned rolls of all the great music made back in the early
part of the last century.
Thank you,
Herb Lindahl
herblindahl8@gmail.com.geentroep (delete .geentroep to reply)
Virtualroll Sales and Service
South Windsor, CT