[ Kevin McElhone wrote in 241224 MMDigest:
> This is simply a "W" Model Orchestrelle with 6 reed boxes
> (7 ranks including the double reed celeste rank), in an
> English Renaissance case.
Kevin may be right, however, I have an identical one and have heard
of (and I seek pictures of) another, also in the beautiful English
Renaissance case, and both of these are the Solo Orchestrelle Model XW.
I'm looking forward to clearing up a few projects and starting on the
restoration of mine.
Eli Shahar - Having a white Chanukkahmas / Christmasukkah in Boston
[ "The basic principle of the Solo Orchestrelle was the sub-division
[ of stops into a higher and a lower manual. A new type of roll was
[ introduced carrying 116 notes instead of 58 which made it a very
[ versatile instrument. The Style 'F' was the largest among its sisters,
[ the 'XY' and 'XW', and was fitted with foot-pumped bellows." Ref.
[ Museum of Automated Musical Instruments in Nishinomiya, Hyogo-ken,
[ Japan https://horieorgel.museum/collection/aeolian-solo-orchestrelle
[ -- Robbie