Ragtime "Quarter-olieom" in Southern California needs a new home.
Hi all, Through a friend I have been made aware of a
"nickelodeon", set-up for quarters, created by Ragtime Automated
Music. This is one with metal pneumatic bodies instead of plastic.
It contains cymbals, drums, xylophone and is built on a 1920ish
Kimball upright, and it comes with a few rolls, too.
While it tries to play, apparently there are too many vacuum leaks,
or something has come loose (I've never seen it in person). It is
located in Riverside, California, and has some nice stained glass
panels (although the panels right now are in the San Francisco Bay
Area -- a long story apparently. The widow is downsizing and wants
to find it a new home and not go to the dump. I told her I would
inquire to see if there is any interest.
The roll box itself should have some interest, I'd think! I believe
these are "O" rolls, and there are a few that come with it, maybe 4?
The piano is of the vintage that it has the large "World's Columbia
Exposition Awards" decal (I can't see the serial number in the photos).
Please let me know if there is any interest! She'd really like to
have it gone! If there is any interest, I can transfer the pictures
from my phone to the computer and the list.
David Dewey
in Oroville, California, a long ways away from the piano!
djdewey@cncnet.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]