I am trying to identify the model or style of the Aeolian Orchestrelle
shown in the attached photograph. I have a few old Aeolian catalogs
plus the Bowers Encyclopedia and I have not been able to find one that
looks like this.
This instrument is in original condition as far as I can tell and,
thus, does not play. I don't know what criteria, such as stops, are
used to identify the style of the instrument.
It will be coming on the market in the coming weeks. Any help will be
Gary Goldsmith
Big Lake, Minnesota
Tel.: 1-612-810-3017
[ Orchestrelle
[ https://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/24/12/22/241222_134751_Orchestrelle[1].jpg
[ Kevin McElhone wrote a long article, "The Aeolian Orchestrelle Today",
[ published in The Music Box, Volume 14 Number 7, Autumn/Fall 1990,
[ pdf page 19/40, available at the MBSGB website at
[ https://www.mbsgb.org.uk/TMB/V14_B7.pdf
[ Adam Ramet writes that the roll-playing organ usually is a separate
[ organ added above the keyboard-played organ; therefore identification
[ should result from inspection of the roll-playing organ. Ref.
[ https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/pianolafr/orchestrelle-player-organs-t100.html
[ -- Robbie