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MMD > Archives > October 2024 > 2024.10.12 > 01Prev  Next

Midwest AMICA/MBSI Meet 19 Oct. Marysville Ohio
By Gary Rasmussen

The Midwest Chapters of AMICA and MBSI will be having a joint Midwest
Chapter meeting on Saturday, October 19th, 2024. The meeting is being
hosted by David Ramey and the world famous D.C. Ramey Piano Company
in the Marysville-Columbus, Ohio, area.

There is still room for you if you will let us know, right away,
that you can come. Featured will be private collections of antique,
automatically playing musical instruments overseen by David Ramey,
as well as another huge private collection owned by Dave Graber.

For more details and to register see the registration form at the
link below or contact Gary Rasmussen or go to!Avc-Yo04FMO4mIN1ByBaZMVOWGbkdQ?e=jlwV7l 

Gary Rasmussen - AMICA Media Marketing director
Mason, Ohio
tel.: 1-513-227-1298 (cell) [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

[ AMICA/MBSI Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting Registration Form

(Message sent Sat 12 Oct 2024, 16:02:43 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  19, AMICA/MBSI, Marysville, Meet, Midwest, Oct, Ohio

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