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MMD > Archives > October 2024 > 2024.10.09 > 02Prev  Next

Organ Pipe Dimensions, Open and Closed
By Bob Haresceugh

I'm designing a wooden pipe organ using "Recipe for Wooden Organ Flue
Pipes" as a basis for the design of the pipes.

> Recipe for Wooden Organ Flue Pipes
> By Johan Liljencrants
> December 1999

12 of the pipes will be closed and the remaining 44 will be open.

I've used the spreadsheet, "violpip.xls", to determine the width of
the open pipes: 

With my settings, an open pipe of 1312 mm length (c3) gives a width
of 60mm. If I was to make this a closed pipe would it also be 60mm?

If I use A4=440Hz with open pipe length of 390 mm as the datum,
and I use the technique given in the article, this gives me a pipe
width of 84 mm for a 1312 mm closed pipe.

If I use A4=440Hz with closed pipe length of 196 mm as the datum,
and I use the technique given in the article, this gives me a pipe
width of 42 mm for a 1312 mm closed pipe.

My knowledge of acoustics is limited so any help on width to length
ratios would be appreciated.

Bob Haresceugh [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

[ A short article about mensur (measurement) lines is given at
[ The equation for the diameter of an open wood pipe as a function
[ of interior width (b) and interior length (t) is D = 2*sqrt(b*t/pi)
[ This equation also applies for a pipe of rectangular cross-section
[ with the same area as the round pipe. -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 9 Oct 2024, 12:01:10 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Closed, Dimensions, Open, Organ, Pipe

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