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MMD > Archives > September 2024 > 2024.09.29 > 01Prev  Next

FS: 6' Steinway Duo-Art in Minnesota
By Gary Goldsmith

For sale: a 6-foot Steinway Duo-Art located about 50 miles NW of
Minneapolis MN. I assume this to be in original unrestored condition.
Plays softly; tears rolls on reroll. Tempo control not working well.
The piano itself seems to be in generally good condition.

A person with more knowledge than me told me that it had been
restrung. The top of the case has some sun damage where a previous
owner obviously left it with the front panel open so the rear of the
case has sunburn. Other dings to the case here and there.

Easy to move out through a big garage door with no steps.

Hoping to get $5,000 but am open to offers. I will never get around
to having it restored, so it needs a new home. More photos available
on request.

Gary Goldsmith
Big Lake, Minnesota [delete ".geentroep" to reply]


(Message sent Mon 30 Sep 2024, 17:30:11 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  6, Duo-Art, FS, Minnesota, Steinway

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