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MMD > Archives > September 2024 > 2024.09.18 > 01Prev  (Last)

60 Hz to 50 Hz Static Frequency Converter
By Spencer Chase

[ Ref. 240915 MMD, Converting USA Domestic Electricity to UK Standard

Just Google "60 Hz to 50 Hz converter" and you will find converters
that do this job. Several years ago this was a big deal and was quite
expensive to do, and other than the finest equipment produced crappy

Now, with cheap power electronics and microcontrollers, the job is
trivial. Basically what you need is an inverter that takes in 60 Hz
[Hertz} AC, converts it to DC and then converts this to 50 HZ AC.

This is probably the cheapest unit that might be good: 

Spencer Chase

[ Not cheap: and
[ The output of a really good converter is simply a sine wave with
[ no significant harmonics or noise into the gigahertz region that
[ can cause interference within the connected load device. -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 18 Sep 2024, 21:18:37 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  50, 60, Converter, Frequency, Hz, Static

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