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Organ Festival at Milton Keynes Museum 12-13 October
By Kevin McElhone

The Annual Milton Keynes Organ Festival takes place again on
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th October, 2024, at Milton Keynes
Museum, McConnell Drive, Wolverton, Milton Keynes MK12 5EL,
England. There is a video of this fascinating museum on their
website; see and 

A large number of visiting fairground and street organs will
attend the two-day event. The festival has a relaxed atmosphere,
and is a nostalgic, interesting, low-cost event on a large site,
some of which is under cover. The museum is now offering 12
months free admission if you Gift Aid your entry fee.

You will be able to view the first of the two multi-million pound
new buildings which has opened to enable even more to be put
on display: 

The museum has a Victorian music parlour with a player piano
and disc musical boxes which have been repaired; you may have
a go at playing the player piano. There is a street re-creation
with many old shops, a street barrel piano, a cinema, an old
school-room, printing display, local history etc., a transport
hall, railway board-room, telephone, radio and lawnmower sections.

There is a nice cafe as well for a good day-out, with free
parking. There is even a full-size wooden replica of a Bloomer
Steam Locomotive, built ca. 1850 by the London North Western
Railway, a few hundred yards from the Museum.

I will be there both days with a stall inside the museum for
The Musical Box Society G.B. and also stock for sale from myself,
so do come and say hello. I will have some _free_ copies of the
"Music Box" magazine available for anyone who might be interested
in joining us or simply finding out more.

Do let me know by 18:00 on Friday evening if there is anything
specific you would like me to bring along for you.

Kevin McElhone
Northampton, England

(Message sent Tue 17 Sep 2024, 09:44:46 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  12-13, Festival, Keynes, Milton, Museum, October, Organ

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