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MMD > Archives > August 2024 > 2024.08.16 > 01Prev  Next

Wurlitzer 153 "Merry Ann" in Wildwood, New Jersey
By Cassidy Juraniec

Wurlitzer 153 Band Organ "Merry Ann" and Stinson Caliola at
The Retro Arcade in Wildwood, New Jersey

Hello, I went on a vacation to Cape May Point, New Jersey, to see
family recently. On the way there, I stopped at the Wildwood Boardwalk
for the day. While I was there, I stopped by The Retro Land Arcade on
the Boardwalk knowing there were a few band organs inside that arcade.

I found Wurlitzer 153 "Merry Ann", but to find her you'll have to
go in the back towards the left and look very carefully behind a few
games. You can see her peaking through a barely visible open space.

The picture of "Merry Ann" on full display was just a screenshot that
my good friend Tom Iannucci sent me from YouTube. I took the picture
of "Merry Ann" hidden. I heard her play on YouTube before, but she
does not play for the public.

During last year's trip to the Wildwood Boardwalk, when I stopped at
The Retro Land Arcade, I heard another band organ playing but it is
not visible to the public since it is hidden behind a wall. I took a
video of it to have the organ identified, which my good friend Andrew
Lardieri said it sounds like a Stinson Caliola playing.

On another note, the owner of The Retro Land Arcade does not allow
people taking pictures in the arcade. I took the picture and video
before I knew this, but I stopped taking pictures to respect his wishes.

Cassidy Juraniec 

[ Merry Ann's Current Location
[ Merry Ann Screenshot

[ MMDigest articles on the history of Wurlitzer 153 Band Organ "Merry
[ Ann" are indexed at 
[ A nice article about "The Remember When Retro Arcade" is at
[ -- Robbie

(Message sent Fri 16 Aug 2024, 23:09:21 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  153, Ann, Jersey, Merry, New, Wildwood, Wurlitzer

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