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MMD > Archives > August 2024 > 2024.08.11 > 01Prev  Next

Laser Piano Roll Custom Cutting Resumes
By Piotr Barcz

I've been at the Sutter Creek Ragtime Festival in California for the
last three days and am returning home on the 13th and I will have to
adjust the paper guides on my perforator when I get back.

Once that is done, I'm cutting another 3 copies of Atlas 3975. (Just
let me know if you want a copy; I'm cutting it already so much that
more orders for it are welcome! xD).

After _that's_ done I have an order for, uhhh, 13 rolls I think, then
I've got a few Welte pop rolls to cut for a friend, but all that being
said if anyone sends me roll files to cut I'll just put them on a list
and start to cut through it quite literally.

Piotr Barcz
Upstate New York

(Message sent Mon 12 Aug 2024, 00:33:22 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Custom, Cutting, Laser, Piano, Resumes, Roll

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