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MMD > Archives > July 2024 > 2024.07.01 > 03Prev  Next

How to Build a Laser Piano Roll Cutter
By Piotr Barcz

[ Ref. Spencer Chase in 240630 MMDigest ]

I wanted to add onto this post and say that yes, the roll mastering
process is pretty easy, provided you can run 'Perforation Editor' by
Julian Dyer. It requires some DLL file that's archaic and not included
with Windows anymore and needs to be registered.

I did make video tutorials and a help document on this, however both
have been proven outdated with recent updates to M2G (the MIDI to Gcode
converter) and a few other tweaks I've come up with along the way.

I'll need to rewrite the help file but you can still use it for
mastering MIDI files themselves into punch masters. Only the second
stage Gcode conversion process needs to be documented better by me
and that might take me a while to get to.

Piotr Barcz
Upstate New York

(Message sent Mon 1 Jul 2024, 17:12:29 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Build, Cutter, How, Laser, Piano, Roll

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