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MMD > Archives > June 2024 > 2024.06.18 > 02Prev  Next

FS Free: 3 Duo-Art Baby Grands & 2 Square Grands
By Ronald Hardwig

Free for the taking: 3 Duo-Art baby grand player pianos and 2 square
grand pianos -- I am getting too old to rebuild them.

I have 3 Duo-Art baby grand player pianos for free. One is a Weber
Duo-Art but I have not found the number or date for it. Plus I have
2 Aeolian Duo-Art baby grand player pianos: one is a 1917 piano #52849
and the second one (same model) is a 1919, #62112. These are complete
Duo-Art pianos that are just needing rebuilding. I also have a Duo-Art
roll cabinet with about 70 rolls which can be purchased if you take one
of the Duo-Art Pianos.

I also have 2 square grand pianos that would be good to rebuild. The
finish is good and everything is there. I rebuilt a Decker & Sons 1865
square grand #1903 (I believe the third one ever made) and put a QRS
MINI system in it and it sounds great, like a modern concert grand.

And I have a PianoDisc player system for sale if you take one of the
square grands. Call up YouTube 
and search under Ronald Hardwig for live picture of 1865 Decker Brothers
square grand playing. You will also see some of my Tornado Research
YouTube videos. Contact me by email:
[delete ".geentroep" to reply].

Ronald Hardwig 

(Message sent Wed 19 Jun 2024, 01:04:29 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  2, 3, Baby, Duo-Art, Free, FS, Grands, Square

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