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MMD > Archives > June 2024 > 2024.06.16 > 01Prev  Next

Mechanical Music Stock Clearance
By Kevin McElhone

About 10 years ago on MMD I wrote an entry which suggested that
prices and interest were going to dwindle over the coming years.
I got some rather 'un-savoury' responses on MMD and directly to me,
mostly directly telling me that I was wrong and trying to put me right.

Well, the time has come to clear my remaining stock now. I do not
mind selling at a break-even or at a small loss but I do not want to
destroy stuff of course. I have so much to clear and [there is] just no
interest online or in society Journals or auctions, so what do I do?

I have to clear 2 cylinder musical boxes, 1 Polyphon with 12 bells,
12 organettes; lots of music for player piano 65-, 73- and 88-note,
Aeolian 46- and 58-note organ (new and original rolls); organette
music, cobs, new paper rolls for 14-note, 20-note Celestina, 25-note
Cabinetto; lots of books including books I have written myself.

Any suggestions welcome; please remember I am in the UK but I send
world-wide all the time.

I have lists of stock and videos of working instruments on my YouTube
channel Polyphon19. [ ]

Kevin McElhone
Northampton, UK [delete ".geentroep" to replay]

(Message sent Mon 17 Jun 2024, 14:26:23 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Clearance, Mechanical, Music, Stock

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