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MMD > Archives > June 2024 > 2024.06.11 > 01Prev  Next

FS Free: Aeolian Duo-Art Organ Console in Florida
By John Daly

For sale, Free: Console for an Aeolian Duo-Art pipe organ. The
console is located in Space Coast, Florida. Photos and a brief
description are at 

Briefly, the console is set up to control a nine-rank organ. The
Opus number was 1658. It was originally installed in the home of
a Los Angeles actor. From there it went to a church and then to
the loft of a private residence in Big Bear Lake, California.
From there it went to an organ club in China Lake, California.

At that point no one was interested in a complete, working Aeolian
Duo-Art pipe organ so everything but the console was sold, the
proceeds were used to buy a wedding ring for my wife-to-be, and
all I have left is the console and a collection of rolls (and
the wife after 40 years :-).

Now it is time to pass it on to someone younger. I've tried to find
a new home for this in the past, but I had a notion that I should
get some money for it. And no one seemed interested in it at any
price. But we have to downsize soon, and if no one shows interest
I will have to send it to the landfill.

With the development of virtual organs, from Hauptwerk to jOrgan,
I think it would be very rewarding to rebuild this console and
enjoy the music from the player rolls. And of course it is a full
AGO console so can be played by hand. If you have any interest,
please take a look at 
I can be reached at john [usual separator]

John Daly
Melbourne Village, Florida [delete ".geentroep" to reply}

(Message sent Tue 11 Jun 2024, 14:37:30 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Aeolian, Console, Duo-Art, Florida, Free, FS, Organ

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