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MMD > Archives > June 2024 > 2024.06.09 > 01Prev  Next

Mechanical Music Auction 18th-19th October 2024
By Laurence Fisher

[ I corrected the dates. -- Robbie ]

Dear MMD'ers, the forthcoming Mechanical Music Auction and Social-Meet
event at Eastbourne UK, to be held on 18th-19th October, 2024, is
building up very nicely and entries are still very welcome up until
the middle of August.

So far, highlights range a good selection of early key-wind cylinder
boxes including a part-overture, lots of cylinder and disc boxes of
most formats, a superb Grand-Tour micro mosaic musical box, a Rochat
fusee singing bird box, not forgetting an incredibly fine and rare
gold-cased Bruguier fusee singing bird box. The full array of mechanical
music will be presented, as per our last event.

The usual sections of phonographs and gramophones, automata, cylinder
and disc musical boxes, pneumatic automatic instruments including
organettes, literature and workshop spares, novelty, manovilles, and
all associated items are part of the catalogue schedule -- there is
even a wheel-cutting engine ready to find a new home.

What may you have to include? The seller's fee is just 10%, with no
VAT charged. No minimum lot value and no item-count maximum. Please
contact me to further details, if you have any questions and to
arrange consignment logistics.

I look forward to hearing from you -- call me directly on
07704 779 603 (if dialling from England) or 00447704 779 603
(if dialling from elsewhere) or email on [delete ".geentroep" to reply].

Many thanks.

Laurence Fisher
Eastbourne, UK 

[ More at 
[ -- Robbie

(Message sent Sat 8 Jun 2024, 08:47:46 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  18th-19th, 2024, Auction, Mechanical, Music, October

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