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Seek Black Forest Treiborgel in the USA
By John J. Miller

Hello Claudia, That organ is property of the State of Tennessee and is
displayed at the W G Lenoir Museum at Norris Dam State Park in Norris,

It's great we can connect about this in this forum, as I was going
to contact you about writing an article for "Das Mechanische
Musikinstrument" just about this instrument alone. It's a remarkable
organ with 45 carved figures -- the largest I'm aware of.

The museum recently reached out to me about repairing or restoring
the instrument. I proposed that a thorough documentation be done in
conjunction with that work. That work will hopefully be done soon,
but no date has been set as of writing this email.

The museum is very interested in preserving this instrument in a
sustainable way that also allows it to be enjoyed by visitors. This also
means raising awareness about this organs existence at the museum!

I will reach out to you and Achim Schneider with pictures.

John Miller - Owner & Journeyman Organbuilder,
John J. Miller Mechanical Organ & Clock Works, LLC
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA 

[ At 
[ "Will G. and Helen H. Lenoir Museum -- Will G. Lenoir, a passionate
[ collector with a deep appreciation for the past, dedicated over
[ 60 years of his life to preserving the treasures that embodied the
[ hard work and ingenuity of a bygone era.
[ "Antique Barrel Organ -- When you visit the Lenoir Museum, make sure
[ to get a close look at this antique barrel organ. During restoration
[ a German newspaper dated 1826 was found inside. The organ plays ten
[ different tunes with 110 wood pipes to make the music. Also, with
[ the turning of one hand crank, four stages of figures perform.
[ In all, 44 figures are in action. These figures include dancers
[ dancing, a clown clowning, foot soldiers marching, a woman churning
[ butter and a blacksmith hard at work."
[ -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 5 Jun 2024, 15:25:26 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Black, Forest, Seek, Treiborgel, USA

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