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MMD > Archives > May 2024 > 2024.05.29 > 03Prev  Next

"Melquiades" Flamenco Rhythm Machine
By Jurgen Goering

Serinettes which were supposed to teach caged birds to sing are well
known. I was not aware of other mechanical musical instruments used
as teaching tools until I made a trip to Seville, Spain. There in
a flamenco museum I came across a machine used to teach flamenco dance
students the various rhythms of clacking their heels on the floor.

The "máquina" is a wooden box with a number of discs mounted on an axle
which is turned by a crank. The discs have sawtooth shaped cams on them.
Mounted on top of the box are two wooden shoes hinged at the toe. As
the axle turns, the cams lift the shoe heels and then drops them onto
a board, which makes the clacking sound.

Seven different flamenco rhythms, with different tappings for the left
and right foot, are programmed on the discs and can be selected via a
lever in the front. It is a very simple apparatus made almost entirely
of wood, but I think it could be quite effective.

Jurgen Goering
Nanaimo, British Columbia [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

[ "Mellquiades" Flamenco Rhythm Machine
[ Selection mechanism for seven flamenco rhythms
[ Flamenco rhythm teaching machine - side view

[ A nice "máquina" built by inventor Ignacio Rodriguez Llinares is shown
[ at Melquiades Máquina de Ritmos Flamencos
[ At is an interview at the
[ inventor's shop that features his highly programmable version, also
[ in street performance at 
[ "... it is Ignacio Rodriguez Llinares "Pelicano Mecanico" on percussive
[ ingenuity and maestro Raul Cantizano on guitar, from Feria Street in
[ Seville." Visit -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 29 May 2024, 04:46:06 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Flamenco, Machine, Melquiades, Rhythm

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