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MMD > Archives > May 2024 > 2024.05.28 > 01Prev  Next

Unknown Spanish Labels: Caecilia & Sindicato
By Paul Johnson

Responding to John McClelland's question about Caecilia and
Sindicato de Rollos [240518 MMD], I decided to contact Esther
Burgos. Esther is a roll researcher and academic in Spain. Here
is Esther's response to John's question about these two labels:

"Caecilia is a Spanish Company of which I can't give much more
information. I think that we talked about this in my previous emails...

"But the second label you're sending to me, Sindicato de Rollos
(Rinconcito) is pretty curious. In fact, I don't think this company
exists but the aspect of the label, the picture printed on it and even
the address that appears (c/ San Mateo) brings us the following
information: probably this roll corresponds to the company named
Oriental which had their printing site in San Mateo street.

"The image is the same as in other Oriental rolls. The only
different information is this one "Sindicato de rollos" and the
other information that appears on the right side that says:
"cambio de rollos usados por nuevos. venta a plazos". This means
that they could exchange used rolls for other new ones, and even
hire purchase [installment payments], which was quite interesting.

"I hope all this information is useful."

Paul Johnson

[ Visit 
[ -- Robbie

(Message sent Mon 27 May 2024, 17:34:21 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Caecilia, Labels, Sindicato, Spanish, Unknown

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