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MMD > Archives > May 2024 > 2024.05.27 > 03Prev  Next

FS: Orchestrelle & Aeolian Grand Rolls
By William Edgerton

For Sale: 420 Aeolian Grand Rolls, acquired one-at-a-time over
the last 60 years, including many very-hard-to-find popular, waltz,
and show selections, a fine selection of opera, and some of the
most appropriate classical pieces, almost all in good to like-new
condition and in good boxes with good labels.

Internet prices are ridiculous and I think that $12 a roll for
rolls in this condition is a steal.

For one dollar more you can get a Model W or V Orchestrelle in
a beautiful walnut case and in near-perfect condition with its
original finish with a few missing spots at the bottom of the ends,
together with a matching slant-top bench. The main pumping bellows
has been professionally redone but there are many other leaks.
A very rare test roll is included.

This is located in Naples, Florida, and can be picked up by
appointment or it can be shipped. A significant deposit can hold it
for up to nine months. For a photo or questions please e-mail me.

Bill Edgerton [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Mon 27 May 2024, 15:48:59 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Aeolian, FS, Grand, Orchestrelle, Rolls

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