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MMD > Archives > May 2024 > 2024.05.26 > 04Prev  Next

Converting Any Standard MIDI File to G-code
By Paul Bell

Hello Piotr, I read with interest your posting, and the previous one
which refers to the same subject. I wanted to ask, has the laser cutting
perforator produced any playable and demonstratable actual paper piano
rolls as yet?

Additionally, I note that your conversion process produces if required
images that can be cut by hand. Have you actually tested this? I can
see you have played these files on a piano roll reader, but have you
actually tested a paper roll produced by your process on a physical
player piano?

The reason I ask is because producing a physical paper roll from a MIDI
file, that will actually play and track correctly on a player piano,
is very different from producing a file that will play on a computer.

I would be very interested to see a video of the perforator producing
a roll, and the resulting roll being played on a player piano. I would
also be interested to see one of your conversions as a physical roll
also being played on a player, because just up to now we only have
verbal assurance that either of these processes actually work.

Paul Bell, UK

[ Euterpe Rolls in the Netherlands uses a laser cutting perforator,
[ under control of G-code instructions, to produce Welte-Mignon piano
[ rolls which rarely have paper-tracking problems because Welte spools
[ are fitted with pin-end flanges instead of the troublesome Aeolian
[ concave flanges supplied with 88-note piano rolls. See
[ -- Robbie

(Message sent Sun 26 May 2024, 21:46:16 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Any, Converting, File, G-code, MIDI, Standard

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