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MMD > Archives > May 2024 > 2024.05.05 > 02Prev  Next

FS: Otto Accordion in Larry Reece's Collection
By Les Hazen

A Celebration of Life honoring Larry Reese was held last Sunday,
April 28th, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Over 85 friends, neighbors,
co-workers and relatives gathered to honor Larry. It was a wonderful
tribute to a great individual.

Of the six machines in Larry Reece's music collection, all but one
have found new adoring owners. The Seeburg KT is now in California,
the Seeburg G has relocated to Buffalo, New York, and the remaining
four instruments were relocated in the Minneapolis area. Several
times during the relocation process others mentioned reading the
advert in Mechanical Music Digest.

One instrument remains: the Otto Accordion. This one he named "Ruby"!
This Otto Accordion was custom built in 2020 for Larry Reece by Dan
Dohman of Miner Company LLC.

Added custom features included a solid cherry wood case with art
glass which makes this instrument unique. Plus, this Otto Accordion
was an upgrade as it is accompanied by four instruments: metal bars
xylophone, a bass wood block, bass drum, and a snare drum. The cabinet
also has a set of swell shutters in the top to let more music out
automatically if desired: 

This Otto is also very rare as none have been built since 2007, and
prior to that there were only abut 30 created by the Miner Company.
This instrument plays one song for $.25, from Style "G" rolls.

"Ruby" is currently located in Minneapolis in a climate controlled
facility. The nominal measurements are 66" high by 50" wide by 40"
deep, weight 250 lbs. Purchase will also include 15 vintage Style
"G" rolls.


Les Hazen
Springfield, Missouri
tel.: 1-417-234-5647 (tel. & text) [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Sun 5 May 2024, 19:20:44 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Accordion, Collection, FS, Larry, Otto, Reece's

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