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Passing of Matthew Caulfield
By Dan Robinson

Matthew Caulfield, band organ music historian and preservationist,
died on April 16, 2024. He was 90 years old. Matthew was the former
Relief Editor for the MMD. The 1,134 postings he authored (yes, 1,134!)
are a treasure trove of information, mainly on Wurlitzer band organs
and their music: 

He also wrote many articles for the publications of the mechanical
music groups and the National Carousel Association. His masterwork,
though, was the catalog of Wurlitzer Style 165 rolls. Gary Watkins had
originated the catalog and eventually turned it over to Matthew. It is
now, and will remain, online, along with its adjunct Style 125 and
Style 150 catalogs: 

It was because of Matthew that many Wurlitzer Style 165 rolls
were recut, some for the first time, others improving on earlier,
incomplete recuts. He also worked with arranger Rich Olsen (who died
in 2013) to create several new rolls. Much more information can be
found in Matthew's MMD postings and the roll catalog.

Growing up, Matthew had become enamored with the band organ and
carousel at Seabreeze Park in Rochester, New York, and he worked at
the amusement park during his college years. The carousel and organ
were lost in a fire in 1994.

Following his retirement from the Library of Congress in 1997, Matthew
moved back to Rochester to operate the park's new carousel and maintain
its new [replica] band organ. Some years down the road, he would even
touch up the paint on the carousel's horses each spring. He continued
working in various capacities at the park, including as archivist,
until he was no longer physically able to do so.

Matthew was a good and generous friend to me and many others. He will
be greatly missed, but his legacy will live on.

Dan Robinson
Rochester, New York

(Message sent Sun 21 Apr 2024, 18:43:19 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Caulfield, Matthew, Passing

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