** Give the Pianola Museum more room **
Hello, The Pianola Museum in Amsterdam houses a vast collection of
automatic pianos and more than 40,000 music rolls.
There were two small roll factories in Amsterdam, only about 500 meters
from our museum: Hollandia & Euterpe. Hollandia was specialised in making
new music rolls for electric pianos and orchestrions, once very abundant
in Amsterdam and elsewhere in Holland. Euterpe was succesful for about
ten years (1928-1939) because Hupfeld, Philipps and other German
factories stopped production of new titles in the early 1930s.
The building in which the museum is housed since 1994, an old police
station, is owned by the city of Amsterdam. There is enough room in this
building, but the city refuses to let us occupy more space in it, making
survival of the museum very difficult. If you would like to help our
museum, please sign our petition:
Thank you,
Kasper Janse - Pianola Museum
[ Read "The Brief Glory of the Hollandia Piano Roll Factory", by Kasper
[ Janse, at https://onsamsterdam.nl/tingeltangelmuziek-uit-de-jordaan
[ or translated into English at
[ https://onsamsterdam-nl.translate.goog/tingeltangelmuziek-uit-de-jordaan?_x_tr_sl=nl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
[ -- Robbie