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MMD > Archives > September 2023 > 2023.09.18 > 01Prev  Next

Organ Enthusiasts' Day, Diss, Norfolk, 1st Oct 2023
By Kevin McElhone

On Sunday, 1st October, 2023, will be the 38th Fair Organ Enthusiasts'

Day, a day when fair and street organs large and small visit the

Grange Musical Collection and are played together with the organ in

the permanent collection -- a day to celebrate the Mechanical Music

Museum Trust, founder Robert Finbow, who first held Fair Organ

Enthusiasts' Day back in 1987 at his Mechanical Music Museum, Cotton.

The Grange Musical Collection

Palgrave, Diss

Norfolk, IP22 1AZ

tel.: 077 088 90728 

Gates are open at 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Admission for this special

event is £10.00 for adults and £2.00 for children 16 years and under,

in aid of Mechanical Music Museum Trust. (I have not been advised of

any price increase since 2022.)

Visiting organs will be displayed outside and there will be Engines in

Steam as well as the indoor instruments including the Wurlitzer Cinema

Organ being played.

I will be there as usual with a stall, for MBSGB and myself, and I look

forward to seeing old and new friends there. Please let me know before

18:00 on Friday 29th September if you want me to bring anything along

for you. Do come and claim a free back-issue of 'The Music Box'


Kevin McElhone

(Message sent Mon 18 Sep 2023, 11:07:03 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  1st, 2023, Day, Diss, Enthusiasts, Norfolk, Oct, Organ

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