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MMD > Archives > September 2023 > 2023.09.15 > 02Prev  Next

Replacing Drive Belts On 1917 Red Welte Piano
By Doug Bullock

Having replaced much leather belting, I have some pointers.

McMaster Carr sells flat and round leather belting. Before you

install it, however, I suggest you find some very heavy weights,

either theater fly weights or exercise weight machine weights,

and hang up your belting with the heavy weights attached.

"Madam Laura" organ used a 2-inch wide leather belt and -- even

after leaving it stretching for several weeks once the correct belt

was glued up after several months of playing as we tested, tuned,

and played the organ -- the belt became very loose and required an

inch to be removed from it. A year later it required another inch

to be removed from the belt.

Leather stretches and you want to do as much stretching as possible

before you cut and install your leather belts. I have done the same

stretching with the round leather sewing machine style of belting.

They will likely need tightening months later, as well.

Doug L. Bullock - Piano World Enterprises

Alton, Illinois 

(Message sent Thu 14 Sep 2023, 16:27:14 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  1917, Belts, Drive, Piano, Red, Replacing, Welte

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