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MMD > Archives > September 2023 > 2023.09.01 > 01Prev  Next

"The Ragpickers Nose", by Robin Frost
By Julian Dyer

I thought that MMDers might like this roll that Robbie Rhodes made
for Hot Piano Classics [HPC]: "The Ragpickers Nose", by Robin Frost,
a 1979 composition that came out on roll in 1988: 

I was preparing to recut this and saw it had Themodist accenting --
unusual to find that on a modern-era roll. Robbie told me, "It's
a drafting board transcription, a hand-cut paper roll. I added the
snakebites to soften the accompaniment (a typical problem with stride
piano pieces)."

A good excuse to record it on my Gotha Steck Pianola grand using its
Themodist action.

Robbie made quite a number of Robin Frost rolls for HPC, and Tim Baxter
has issued more made by John Roache or himself -- some remarkably
inventive compositions. It's good to have a few newer pieces on the roll
shelf. Robbie has listed his rolls here in the past and I've put the
list in the video notes as an incentive to start collecting.

Julian Dyer

 [ Very nice work, Julian; this is probably the first time the piece
 [ has been performed at a Themodist-equipped grand piano. -- Robbie

(Message sent Fri 1 Sep 2023, 11:12:28 GMT, from time zone GMT+0100.)

Key Words in Subject:  Frost, Nose, Ragpickers, Robin

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