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MMD > Archives > July 2023 > 2023.07.10 > 01Prev  Next

Adding MIDI Control to Fair Organ "Madam Laura"
By Mikey Mills

Hello All, I recently acquired Madam Laura, an 87-key Gavioli-Muzzio 
fair organ, which I plan on restoring and expanding its music library. 
One thing I'd like to do in the short term is to add MIDI control.

Because of the design of the action, I think this can be done by 
putting solenoids above the stickers into the chest. The pouches push 
up a fulcrum which then pushes down the stickers into the chest,
leaving an area open directly above the stickers for solenoids.

Does anybody have experience using 'push-pull' solenoids on a MIDI 
system? Is this a good route to take?

What is appealing about this is that it would not interfere with the 
book playing mechanism, and would also be lightning quick to play 
very demanding music.


Mikey Mills

 [ Ron Bopp tells the history of Madam Laura and other organs in the 
 [ Paul Eakins collection at 
 [ Hear Madam Laura playing recently after regulation by Doug Bullock:
 [ -- Robbie 

(Message sent Wed 12 Jul 2023, 03:12:50 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Adding, Control, Fair, Laura, Madam, MIDI, Organ

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