[ Ref. David Evans in 230701 MMDigest ]
Many years ago I was Curator of the British Piano Museum in London.
We were lent an Aeolian FS4 projector plus accessories. The FS4
projector took a filmstrip (about 4" wide, from memory) which was
a photographic reproduction of an Audiographic roll.
This filmstrip was carried through the projector by a small electric
motor, the speed of which could be regulated, faster or slower, by
twisting a small knob. As the Duo-Art piano played the actual roll,
the image from the projector could be seen on the screen, in large
scale, synchronised with the music.
The projector arrived with several such films. Kodak, in the U.K.,
made several new films for us -- a complicated process! Together
with this "movie" projector came a fairly standard and similar
machine that would project normal 4" x 4" glass slides.
I do not know of the current location of this equipment.
Richard Cole