Hi, Friends of Reproducos, Mike Swanson and I have been busy scanning
original Reproduco rolls and Bill Klinger has been busy scanning recuts
that I haven't found originals of yet. Craig Williams and Robbie Rhodes
have been providing expert consultation and converting the scans to
MIDI files for us.
Thanks to everyone's help, by the end of this week we will have about
84 rolls scanned, consisting of 41 original large core "10-tune" rolls,
19 original small core mortuary organ rolls, and 24 large core recuts
that we can't find originals for.
I am borrowing a large collection of another 50 additional original
large core rolls to scan in July and August, and there is another
collector with another 30 different originals who has offered to loan
them later in the year.
Most of you have let me know which rolls you have and I will let you
know when I am ready for those. I am trying to prioritize the large
original collections first, then the smaller collections and then recut
rolls for which we don't have originals.
If you haven't sent me a complete list of your rolls, I would love
to know what you have in order to strategize and prioritize scanning.
I just need the roll number and if it is an original or recut.
Not too far down the road I will have MIDI files available to everyone
at no charge; let me know if you would like a preview. There has also
been interest in manufacturing some recuts so I am working on setting
that up as well.
That is it for now.
Charlie Morgan
San Diego
charlie.d.morgan@gmail.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]